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May 4, 2019: "Luminosity" by Stephen Grant

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Please join us for our next chat in  #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EDST) May 4th, 2019 -- 00:30  A.M. (GMT) March 16th -- for a discussion of "Luminosity" by Stephan Grant.

Grant has a PhD from Kings College and has worked as teacher of philosophy for the past 15 years.  He is a recent author with two novels to his credit, the second one, "Spanish Lights",  published independently in New York through the independent New York press Upper West Side Philosophers Inc.  This weeks story is based on the first chapter of that book, but stands as a complete story on its own merits.

This tale explores the lack of transparency in the financial sector of the economy.  It does not flatter Wall Street or the governmental financial oversight authorities.  I think you will enjoy it; i myself have decided on a love / hate relationship with it.  

The story is available from EasttoftheWeb.com at:  http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/Lumi1000.shtml

Meeting Place:  #Readers_Corner 

     Webchat: http://koach.com/chatlogin.php?chan=readers_corner

     mIRC Users:  /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner

I hope to see you all at our chat.  Don't forget to bring a friend. 

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