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April 13th, 2019: "The Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury

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Please join us for our next chat in  #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EST) April 13, 2019 -- 00:30  A.M. (GMT) April 20 -- for a discussion of "The Sound of Thunder"  by Ray Bradbury.

This tale dates to 1952, but like most of Bradbury's writing seems as fresh a topic as ever.  It is a heart a study of the "unintended effect" or "collateral damage" as those terms are now used.  It also deals with time travel.  You will just have to imagine that time travel will be possible in the not too distant future.

Like all of Bradbury's stories this one is a good one.  I think you will enjoy the story and that it will give us something to think about.

The story is available on line at:    https://tinyurl.com/ybsjrksm

The #Readers_Corner is available at Koach.com

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I hope to see you all at our chat.  Don't forget to bring a friend.

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