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February 2nd, 2019; "Leaving Bill" by Gaynor Hill

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Please join us for our next chat in  #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EST) February 2nd, 2019 -- 01:30  A.M. (GMT) February 3rd -- for a discussion of "Leaving Bill" by Gaynor Hill.

 This week's tale is provided by East of the Web, a frequent source of contemporary short stories (most of them from new, relatively unknown British authors).  The story is a good one with just enough of a twist at the end to surprise us.  I think you will enjoy it.  There are quite a few references to confections consumed by the British but that most Americans have never experienced.  I hope that Nan will be able to provide translation services for us. 

I enjoyed the story and I believe our group will as well.

The story is available american literature.com at:  http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/LeavBill1026.shtml

Meeting Place:  #Readers_Corner 

     Webchat: http://koach.com/chatlogin.php?chan=readers_corner

     mIRC Users:  /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner

I hope to see you all at our chat.  Don't forget to bring a friend.

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