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November 10, 2018: HE WHO GREW UP READING SHERLOCK HOLMES by Harlan Ellison

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Please join us for our next chat in  #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EST) November 10th, 2018 -- 01:30  A.M. (GMT) November 11th -- for a discussion of "He who Grew Up Reading Sherlock Holmes"  by Harlan Ellison.

Please note, if you are not in the USA and following the curious U.S. rules for daylight savings time, you will find the chat one hour later than the time you have used over the last few months.

This week's story is from a master of the speculative fiction world, Harlan Ellison.  He is a one of the most awarded, and most hated, sci-fi writers to have ever lived.  There was never a question about his talent or the quality of his stories, the only issues involved his touchy personality which drew him into a number of lawsuits.  

This story ties a series of unrelated events into a coherent web leading to an "Ah ha!" moment, at least i think it does.  I think you will enjoy the writing and be captivated as you try to unravel the web of causality.

The story is available on line at:   https://subterraneanpress.com/magazine/summer_2014/he_who_grew_up_reading_sherlock_holmes_by_harlan_ellison

The #Readers_Corner is available at Koach.com

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I hope to see you all at our chat.  Don't forget to bring a friend.

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