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With all the futbol (soccer) going on right now, this video seemed very appropriate as well as very funny.

Warning, there is plenty of profanity, something that seems to be a national pastime in Australia. We'll have to ask Nan about that :)

Ozzy Man Reviews Soccer Dives!



  • Administrators

The level of profanity in Australia is in line with the level of "class" or lack thereof.   I don't swear often and when I do it's normally when nobody but I can hear it, but I do when I see someone referred to as "Ozzy".   That makes me wonder if it's genuine, or just something "made for video".  It's "Aussie" folks ... Oz was a mystical land in an American movie.

The video is hilarious and yes, some of those players are not very good actors !! 

  • Administrators

Oh, I think it's definitely made for viewing, probably hoping it will go viral. All they would need is someone with an Aussie (I hope Aussie is ok) accent and video editing software. lol, but poking fun at the soccer players is warranted, since they attempt to make every play very dramatic.

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I just did a search for "ozzy man"  on YouTube, you'll see a lot of Ozzy Man Reviews.  Even though they are made for Youtube, they are very funny lol

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