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August 26, 2017: "Death Every Seventy-Two Minutes" by Adam-Troy Castro

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It appears that enough of us will have returned to the land of wi-fi connectivity and home cooking to have a quorum for our next meeting.  After, our two week hiatus, please join us for our next chat in #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EDST) on August 26th, 2017 [12:30 A.M. (GMT)], August 27th, for a discussion of Death Every Seventy-Two Minutes by Adam-Troy Castro. 

We discussed Castro's The Assassin's Secret in late July.  Based on reader feedback following that chat, I found another story from that same author for our next meeting, this one much different from and a bit shorter than the former.

This story tells the tale of a man plagued by nightmare like premonitions of his own death, each death the result of bizarre, unlikely circumstances.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

The story is available on line at:  http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/death-every-seventy-two-minutes/

As usual, the chat will be in the #readers_corner chat room on Koach.com

     Webchat:  http://koach.com/chatlogin.php?chan=readers_corner

     mIRC Users:  /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner

I hope to see you all at our chat.  Don't forget to bring a friend.

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