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July 29th 2017: "The Assassin's Secret" by Adam-Troy

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Please join us for our next chat in #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EDST) on July 29th, 2017 [00:30 A.M. (GMT), July 30th], for a discussion of The Assassin's Secret by Adam-Troy Castro.  Based on our success in finding two stories in a row that seeemed to meet Nan's lofty standards of literary achievement, I thought to push our luck with a strange tale from our friends at Lightspeed Magazine. The story is featured in the current edition of the magazine and is available on the Lightspeed Website.

The story is labeled as "fantasy" but it does not involve the fairies or witches or magic normally associated with that genre'.  The story could be one from the tales of Scheherazade (had she been familiar with the proper use of the telephone book) of from any of the morality stories popular in the middle ages (Goethe's Doctor Faustus springs to mind).  That's saying that while technically a fantasy, this story is far from a fairy tale.  I am reasonably certain that most of you will like the story and may even get the point that the author is trying to make.  That point should provide ample grist for our chat mills to grind upon.

The story is available online at:  http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/the-assassins-secret/

As usual our meeting will be in the #readers_corner chat room:  

Webchat:  http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner  

mIRC Users:  /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner

I  hope to see you all for the chat.  Koach has authorized me to offer a bounty of 100 chat points to anyone bringing a new member.

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