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June 3rd, 2017; "BLOOD, ASH, BRAIDS" by Genevieve Valentine

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Please join us for our next chat in #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EDST) on June 3rd, 2017 [00:30 A.M. (GMT), June 4th], for a discussion of Blood, Ash, Braids by Genevieve Valentine.  The story appeared in the anthology "Operation Arcana", published on February 16, 2015 by Baen Books."  We discussed another story from that anthology in April ( The Damned One Hundred  ), and I think you will appreciate this story as well.

The story is basically fictionalized military history (with a touch of magic added for flavor ), and deals with the defense of Russia against German invasion during the Second World War. Of course it deals with that in a rather novel way, but that's what makes it a good story. .

The story is available for free from Baen Books.com: http://www.baen.com/Chapters/9781476780368/9781476780368.htm

Click on the link to chapter 4 in the left frame, or if you are set for frameless viewing of web sites, simply navigate thru the contents link at the upper right hand corner of your browser window to the correct story.

As usual, the chat will be held in the #readers_corner room on Koach.com.

Webchat:  http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner  

mIRC Users:  /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_cornerI

I hope to see you all for the chat.  Don't forget to bring a friend.



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