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January 14th 20167: The Great Zero by Jonathan Walter

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Please join us for our next chat in #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EST) on January 14th, 2017 (01:30 A.M., January 15th (GMT)), for a discussion of The Great Zero by Jonathan Walter.  The story is from the 2011 "Fiction" issue of The New Yorker magazine.  


This week's selection deals with the socio-political impact of the great depression and concurrent "dust bowl" drought of the early 1930's.  It is not a pretty story, but I found it interesting.  The story has the same feel to it as do Steinbeck's depression era novels, and I hope you will agree with me that this story is well worth reading.  It should provide ample grist for our chat mill.



Meeting Place: 



mIRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner


I hope to see you all there, and don't forget...bring a friend.


Log attached:  reaers log 01-14-2017.txt

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