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December 10th, 2016: "The Opening of the Bayou Saint John" by Shawn Scarber

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Please join us for our next chat in #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EST) on December 10th, 2016 [01:30 A.M. (GMT), December 11th], for a discussion of the story The Opening of the Bayou Saint John by Shawn Scharber. The story is a dark fantasy with a Poe like feel.  


The story is set in New Orleans, home to cajun and creole cuisine as well as cajun and creole religions and legends.  Mix a bit of voodoo with a bit of cajun belief in bayous haunted by the spirits of unbaptized infants and locally grown werewolves, called the rougarou of the bayous, and a grieving mother of a still born child, and you may come up with a story as moody and thought provoking as this one.


Shawn Scarber lives and works in North Texas. He’s written a number of short stories that have appeared in magazines, collections, and e-zines. He’s a Clarion West 06 graduate and an active member of the Future Classics Speculative Fiction Writers.


The story is available on line on the web in the February 8, 2016 edition of Strange Horizons magazine:  http://strangehorizons.com/fiction/the-opening-of-the-bayou-saint-john/  


The chat will be in our normal Readers' Corner chat room: 


Webchat:  http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner  


mIRC Users:  /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner


I hope you all enjoy the story as much as I.  I sm certain we will have fun discussing it.


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