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June 25th 2016: The Man With The Cough by Mrs. Molesworth

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Please join us for our next chat in #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M.(EDST) on June 25, 2016 (23:30 P.M. (GMT), June 25th, for a discussion of The Man With The Cough by Mrs. Molesworth.   Mrs. Molesworth was one nom d' plume of Mary Louisa Molesworth, nee Stewart (29 May 1839 – 20 January 1921), a British author credited with the early development of children's literature.  This story is not a juvenile, however, rather it is a mystery story from a time shortly after the turn of the last century which should appeal to all ages except small children.  I think you will all enjoy it.


It seems that all British mysteries involve a train trip of one sort or another, and this tale is no exception.  What is interesting is that in my younger days my wife and I made the same trip from Germany to London on the same trains and ferry connections as the protagonist in the story.  Although perhaps seventy years had passed since the travel described in the story, very few details of the trip had changed.  There seems to be something mysterious, yet relaxing, about a European train.


The story is available on line at:  http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/ManCoug.shtml

Meeting Place: 


Webchat: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner 


mIRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner


I feel sure we will have an entertaining and stimulating discussion, and i hope to see you all there.


Log Attached:  #readers_corner.20160625.txt

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