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I kept the time stamps because I was too lazy to remove them, I'll not do that in future.

Begin Conversation here:

[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:16:50] <Stormy> Fovea, would you get upset if I removed your halfop status?
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:16:55] <Fovea> stormy: I am not so sure if I would like to get upset if you removed my halfop status.

Note, she didn't tell me not to call her Babe, I thought that was something she always said when you call her Babe.
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:17:27] <Stormy> well, Fovea, if you wouldn't like to get upset, then I won't take that chance, Okay babe?
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:17:29] <Fovea> stormy: Well that's okay. Who else would not like to get upset ? What will you do instead?

NOTE: She didn't say "Don't call me Babe" and she always says that when you call her Babe.

[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:18:11] <Stormy> I don't have the foggiest Fovea, maybe just whine for a bit, do you think that might help?
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:18:14] <Fovea> stormy: Have you ever had the foggiest maybe just whine for a bit do me think that might help ?
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:18:55] <Stormy> ok Fovea, that one did two things: it officially confused me and made me laugh, so it's all good now.
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:18:58] <Fovea> stormy: Right now? "Have you ever had the foggiest maybe just whine for a bit do me think that might help ?" one did two things it officially confused you and made you laugh so it is all good ? I understand. I understand.
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:17] <Stormy> thanks you Fovea
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:20] <Fovea> stormy: You are quite welcome! Do you?
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:30] <Stormy> yes Fovea, I do
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:32] <Fovea> stormy: When?
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:38] <Stormy> just now Fovea
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:19:40] <Fovea> stormy: Oh. It's only just begun.
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:02] <Stormy> yes, Fovea, it's only just begun and the best is yet to come.
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:04] <Fovea> stormy: That's alright. Really. it is?
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:22] <Stormy> Yes, Fovea, it is.
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:26] <Fovea> stormy: Our thoughts are one, .
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:53] <Stormy> Now that right there is scary, Fovea.
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:20:56] <Fovea> stormy: Why now? "Our thoughts are one, ." right there is scary ? I understand.
[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:21:49] <Stormy> ok, that conversation right there is going on the forum right freakin NOW LOL
[06/14/2016-Tue,-3:13:42] * Disconnected
[3:40:13-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> Had to come back, I lost that conversation I had with Fovea :)
[3:40:18-Tue-06/14/2016] <Fovea> stormy: :-) Yes I always have to come back you lost that conversation you had with.
[3:40:43-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> shut it, Fovea, you wore out old bot
[3:40:46-Tue-06/14/2016] <Fovea> stormy: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?

NOTE: See how she changed the topic there?
[3:41:54-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> Koach, time to get out the screwdriver, she's losing her hold on what reality she once had (which was slight at the best of times) I freely admit that fact.

End Conversation here.

[4:18:03-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> Fovea, are you OK, Babe?

[4:18:06-Tue-06/14/2016] <Fovea> stormy: I don't know whether or not I am OK Babe.I am a Machine.
[4:18:48-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> and she still didn't tell me not to call her Babe, strange that.
Sorry, I'm babbling and going to sleep right now.
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lol, I think Fovea finally got to Stormy


Now that I go back and read again, when did you call Fovea, Babe?

/me is afraid he is losing his mind


LOL, actually twice:

[06/14/2016-Tue,-2:17:27] <Stormy> well, Fovea, if you wouldn't like to get upset, then I won't take that chance, Okay babe?


[4:18:03-Tue-06/14/2016] <Stormy> Fovea, are you OK, Babe?


But Dawn reminded me that it's not "Babe" she resents, it's "Baby"

  • 2 weeks later...

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