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We have added another trivia game, SuperTrivia v5.1

Please join #SuperTrivia to play.  We feel this is a huge upgrade over our old Trivia. Below is a list of commands.
I have not yet tested all the commands to make sure they work correctly, so please leave a message here if you find any bugs.

Thanks and Happy Playing!  :)

Room commands
Besides normal answering, players can use commands in the room. Below you can see the list. Notice the !hint and !!hint commands are gone (my personal choice for preventing people go !!hint to soon).

!st start <mode>*   Starts the trivia. <mode> can be left blank or team for a team game.
!st stop*           Trivia is stopped
!stats              Gives the stats of the user in CTCPREPLY (only visible for the nick that enters the command)
!rank               Shows the rank of the nick that enters the command
!wins               Shows the points of the nick that enters the command
!hof                Shows the hall of fame (points)
!hof <number>       Shows the hall of fame from rank <number>
!hof me             Shows the hall of fame from rank – 1 to rank + 1 of the nick that enters the command
!hoffast <parm>     Shows the hall of fame of fastest times. <parm> can be the same as with !hof
!hofcpm <parm>      Shows the hall of fame of character per minutes values. <parm> can be the same as with !hof
!hofrow <parm>      Shows the hall of fame of longest streaks. <parm> can be the same as with !hof
!repeat             Shows the last question that was asked (only when a question is active).
!vowels             Shows vowels in the answer
!last               Shows last character of the answer
!version            Shows version of trivia script
!st resetscores*    Resets all scores.

Team game commands:
!st start team*          Starts a team game.
!setteam <nr> <name>*    Adds team number <nr> with name <name>
!team <nr> or !join <nr> Makes nick member of team number <nr> (reply in CTCPREPLY)
!teams                   Shows current teams
!teams <nr>              Shows members of team number <nr>
!hof                     Shows teams standings

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Colin53

I have setup supertrivia 5.1 but only have *s1  *s2  *s4 showing in my channel. The answers show in the status screen. Can you help me please? 

  • 4 months later...

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