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January 15, 2016; A Descent into the Maelstrom by E. A. Poe

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Please join us for our next chat in #readers_corner at 8:30 P.M. (EST) on January 16, 2016 (00:30 A.M., January 17 (GMT)), for a discussion of "A Descent into the Maelstrom" by Edgar Allan Poe.  Poe needs no introduction, we have discussed many of his stories in #Readers_Corner and I believe that most of us are already aware of his status as the seminal influence on the modern detective story.  Most of us are also aware that Poe is Koach's absolute favorite author.  Since it has been a while since our last examination of one of his stories (and because I sense that Koach is going into an advanced state of Poe withdrawal) it seems an opportune time for another one.



Like most Poe stories "A Descent into the Maelstrom" tells a frightening tale but this ne atypically one with a happy ending. I think you will enjoy reading it.  


It can be found on line at countless web sites including: http://americanliterature.com/author/edgar-allan-poe/short-story/a-descent-into-the-maelstrom 


Meeting Place: 



mIRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner


I will bring along a nice bottle of Amontillado (I can't afford a whole cask), and Koach is bringing brownies.  I hope to see you all there.

Posted (edited)

For those with both a Kindle and Google Chrome. Chrome has an extension you can add.

It places an icon on your top tool bar, when you find a story or web page you want to place on Kindle, just click the icon and choose 'Send to Kindle' or simply press 'CTRL+k'.

Link is below:



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