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Please join us on Saturday evening, June 14th in #Readers_Corner at 8:30 P.M. EDST (GMT - 4 hours) for a discussion of the short story Flower Box  by A.J. Aronstein.  It's an interesting psychological study of a man recovering from a mental breakdown; and I am sure that Dash will be gratified that the neighborhood descriptions in the story would seem to be symbolic of the man's mental state and its development through the story.


I found it particularly gratifying...one of my personal pet peeves is that authors often fail to do their homework and attempt to describe locations of which they have limited or no knowledge.  This story, however, is set in the greater Washington D.C. metropolitan area, and it is absolutely accurate in its descriptions of neighborhoods mentioned in the story as well as of the best ways to get from one to another of them.  I have been able to pinpoint the protagonist's home on google earth "street level" and I worked for ten years withing a few city blocks of the high-rise apartments described later in the story.  (map references will be provided to any interested parties during the chat.)


The story can be found at:  http://recommendedreading.tumblr.com/post/71845226904/flower-box-by-aj-aronstein-recommended-by-electric


Meeting Place:  Webchat: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner 


mIRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com:6667 -j #readers_corner 6667


I feel certain we will have a lively and enjoyable chat.  BYOB, I'll provide virtual cookies.

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