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16 March: Ray Bradbury's "Summer in the Air"

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Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 16th of March to discuss the short story Summer in the Air by Ray Bradbury.  The story was originally published in the Saturday Evening Post in 1956.  Bradbury is known for his SciFi stories; this story, however, is surprising change of pace from his usual subject matter.  I think you will all enjoy it.

The story can be found at:  http://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/wp-content/uploads/satevepost/summer-in-the-air-ray-bradbury.pdf  The story can also be found at http://the24hourtala.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/sound-of-summer-running.pdf


Please note:  The story was later published as part of a Bradbury anthology called "Dandelion Wine."  In that collection the story was renamed The Sound of Summer Running.  There is no difference in the stories other than the name.

Meeting place: #Readers_Corner

Webchat Users: 

IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667

Hope to see you all there, and please bring a friend.


Log attached:  readers log Mar 16 2013.rtf

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