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A preacher said, "Anyone with 'special needs' who wants to be prayed over, please come to the front by the altar."

With that, a Glasgow man got in line, and when it was his turn, the Preacher asked, ... "Jimmy, what do you want me to pray about for you?"


Jimmy replied, "Preacher, I need you to pray for help with my hearing."

The preacher put one finger of one hand in Jim’s ear, placed his other hand on top of Jim’s head, and then prayed and prayed and prayed. He prayed to the 'Almighty' for Jimmy, and the whole congregation joined in with great enthusiasm.


After a few minutes, the preacher removed his hands, stood back and asked, "Well Jimmy, how is your hearing now?"


Jimmy answered, "I don't know. It ain't 'til next Tuesday!"

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