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December 15, 2012: "Blues in the Night" by Jennifer Jenkinson

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Please join us at 8:30 PM (eastern standard time) on Saturday, December 15, 2012 for a discussion of the story "Blues in the Night" by Jennifer Jenkinson. This story is available at: http://www.eastofthe.../BlueNigh.shtml


By popular demand (by the distaff side of the readers_corner channel), this chat will dissect what, in my humble opinion, is an sterling example of "the chick story." I can't recall any story we have discussed (since perhaps the belly dancer in the freezer one) that will offer more opportunities to polarize our members (probably along gender lines). I think the story will provoke some great chatting.


I hope to see you all for the chat, and as always...free virtual merlot and bree to anyone bringing a new reader with them.


Meeting time: 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time


Meeting place: #Readers_Corner


WebChat Users: http://www.koach.com...#readers_corner


IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -j #readers_corner 6667


LOG OF CHAT ATTACHED: Readers_Corner Log--Dec 15 2012.rtf

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