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December 8: "Howard LIves!" by Joseph Berman

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Please join us at 8:30 PM (eastern standard time) on Saturday, December 8, 2012 for a discussion of the story "Howard Lives!" by Joseph Berman. This story is available at: http://www.eastofthe.../HowaLive.shtml

The story is a humorous flight of fancy which should prove enjoyable to everyone. It should prove hilareous to American sports fans over 30 years of age.

I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.


Meeting time: 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time


Meeting place: #Readers_Corner


WebChat Users: http://www.koach.com...#readers_corner


IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -j #readers_corner 6667


Log of Chat attached: readers_corner log Dec 8 2012.rtf

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