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Auto Ghost if u name :Ping timeout :)

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this code post in remote

on *:load: {

set %auto.g.8 $me

set %auto.g.12 1 | set %auto.g.14 on



on *:unload: {

unset %auto.g.*

if ($dialog(auto.g)) {

dialog -x auto.g auto.g



alias mdx {

return $dll($scriptdirMDX.DLL,$1,$2-)


alias cwnd {

return $dll($scriptdirCWND.DLL,$1,$2-)


alias animateWindow {

return $dll($scriptdirCWND.DLL,animateWindow,$$1 700 AC)


alias auto.g {

if (!$dialog(auto.g)) { dialog -m auto.g auto.g }


dialog auto.g {

title "Auto Ghost v1.0"

size -1 -1 165 89

option dbu

box "", 1, 6 3 24 25

icon 2, 10 9 20 20, Nick.ico, 0

box "", 3, 6 31 24 25

icon 4, 10 37 20 20, Password.ico, 0

box "", 5, 6 59 24 25

icon 6, 10 65 20 20, Ghost.ico, 0

box "Nick", 7, 36 3 93 25

edit "", 8, 43 13 80 10, autohs

box "Password", 9, 36 31 93 25

edit "", 10, 43 41 80 10, pass autohs

box "Commands For Ghost", 11, 36 59 93 25

radio "/ns", 12, 43 69 19 10

radio "/msg", 13, 67 69 22 10

check "Enabled", 14, 94 69 30 10

box "", 15, 135 18 24 24

icon 16, 139 24 20 20, Ok.ico, 0

box "", 17, 135 46 24 24

icon 18, 139 52 20 20, Cancel.ico, 0


on *:dialog:auto.g:init:*: {

mdx MarkDialog $dname

mdx SetMircVersion $version

mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 8,10 staticedge

mdx SetDialog $dname bgcolor $rgb(255,255,255)

mdx SetFont $dname 8,10 16 16 Courier New Italic

mdx SetFont $dname 7,9,11 16 16 Courier New Bold

mdx SetColor $dname 7,9,11,12,13,14 background $rgb(255,255,255)

animateWindow $dialog($dname).hwnd

did -a $dname 8 %auto.g.8

did -a $dname 10 %auto.g.10

if (%auto.g.12 == 1) { did -c $dname 12 }

if (%auto.g.13 == 2) { did -c $dname 13 }

if (%auto.g.14 == on) { did -c $dname 14 }

if (%auto.g.14 == off) { did -b $dname 12,13 }


on *:dialog:auto.g:sclick:12: {

set %auto.g.12 1

unset %auto.g.13


on *:dialog:auto.g:sclick:13: {

set %auto.g.13 2

unset %auto.g.12


on *:dialog:auto.g:sclick:14: {

if ($did(14).state == 1) { set %auto.g.14 on | did -e $dname 12,13 }

else { set %auto.g.14 off | did -b $dname 12,13 }


on *:dialog:auto.g:sclick:16: {

set %auto.g.8 $did(8)

set %auto.g.10 $did(10)

dialog -x $dname


on *:dialog:auto.g:sclick:18: {

unset %auto.g.8 $did(8)

unset %auto.g.10 $did(10)

dialog -x $dname


on *:join:#: {

if (%auto.g.14 == on) && (%auto.g.8 != $null) && (%auto.g.10 != $null) {

if ($nick iswm $me) { halt } {

if ($nick iswm %auto.g.8) {

if (%auto.g.12 == 1) {

ns ghost %auto.g.8 %auto.g.10


if (%auto.g.13 == 2) {

msg nickserv ghost %auto.g.8 %auto.g.10






on *:nick: {

if (%auto.g.14 == on) && (%auto.g.8 != $null) && (%auto.g.10 != $null) {

if ($nick iswm $me) { halt } {

if ($newnick iswm %auto.g.8) {

if (%auto.g.12 == 1) {

ns ghost %auto.g.8 %auto.g.10


if (%auto.g.13 == 2) {

msg nickserv ghost %auto.g.8 %auto.g.10






raw 433:*: {

if (%auto.g.14 == on) && (%auto.g.8 != $null) && (%auto.g.10 != $null) {

if (%auto.g.12 == 1) {

ns ghost %auto.g.8 %auto.g.10


if (%auto.g.13 == 2) {

msg nickserv ghost %auto.g.8 %auto.g.10





on *:quit: {

if (%auto.g.14 == on) && (%auto.g.8 != $null) && (%auto.g.10 != $null) {

if ($nick iswm %auto.g.8) {

nick %auto.g.8




menu status {


Auto Ghost v1.0



.Readme:run $scriptdirReadme.html

.Versions:run $scriptdirVersions.html


  • 7 months later...

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