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on *:NOTICE:*:*: {

if (Nickserv!*service* iswm $fulladdress) && (Koach.com == $network) && (*nickname is registered* iswm $1-) {

identify ********** }



put the above in remotes and do the following

********** <---- replace that with your password


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  • 6 months later...
  • Administrators

Jas has improved this code to work with all nicks (registered and grouped nicks).

Thanks jas :)


on *:NOTICE:*:*: {

if (($network == koach.com) && (Nickserv!*service* iswm $fulladdress) && (*please choose* iswm $1-)) {

ns identify ****** }



Replace the ****** with your nickserv pass.

  • 9 years later...
menu * {
  Auto Identify:/dialog -m _auto_ident _auto_ident
dialog -l _auto_ident {
  title "Auto Identify"
  size -1 -1 92 96
  option dbu
  list 1, 2 8 89 34, size vsbar
  box "", 2, 0 0 92 87
  edit "", 3, 3 43 50 10, disable autohs
  edit "", 4, 3 53 50 10, disable pass autohs
  text "Nickname", 5, 53 45 36 8, right
  text "Password", 6, 53 55 36 8, right
  button "Add", 8, 2 73 16 12, disable
  button "Edit", 9, 39 73 17 12, disable
  button "Cancel", 10, 56 73 33 12, disable
  button "Del", 20, 18 73 21 12, disable
  edit "", 21, 3 63 50 10, disable autohs
  text "Network", 22, 53 65 36 8, right
  text "Developed by Nikolas/updated by Chain", 23, 1 87 90 8, disable center
on *:dialog:_auto_ident:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) {
  elseif ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 8) { 
      if (!$hget(_auto_ident,$+($did($dname,3).text,.,$did($dname,21).text))) {
        hadd -m _auto_ident $+($did($dname,3).text,.,$did($dname,21).text) $did($dname,4).text
        did -r $dname 3,4,21
        did -b $dname 8
      else { noop $input("This Nickname is allready added on your list on the same network,o,Auto Identify) }
    elseif ($did == 1) && ($did($dname,1).seltext) {
      set %_auto_ident_edit 1
      var %name = $gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,1,32)
      var %network = $remove($gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,2,32),$chr(40),$chr(41))
      did -ra $dname 3 %name
      did -ra $dname 4 $+($chr(1),$chr(2),$chr(3),$chr(4))
      did -ra $dname 21 %network
      did -e $dname 9,10,4,20
      did -b $dname 3,8
    elseif ($did == 9) {
      hadd -m _auto_ident $+($did($dname,3).text,.,$did($dname,21).text) $iif($did($dname,4).text == $+($chr(1),$chr(2),$chr(3),$chr(4)),$hget(_auto_ident,$did($dname,3).text),$v1)) 
      did -r $dname 3,4,21 | did -b $dname 9,10,8,20 | did -e $dname 3 | did -u $dname 1
      set %_auto_ident_edit 0  
    elseif ($did == 10) { 
      did -r $dname 3,4,21
      did -b $dname 9,10,8,20
      did -e $dname 3 
      did -u $dname 1
      set %_auto_ident_edit 0
    elseif ($did == 20) {
      hdel _auto_ident $+($did($dname,3).text,.,$did($dname,21).text)
      did -r $dname 3,4,21
      did -b $dname 9,10,8,20
      did -e $dname 3 
      did -u $dname 1
      set %_auto_ident_edit 0

  elseif ($devent == edit) {
    if ($did($dname,3).text) && ($did($dname,4).text) && ($did($dname,21).text) && (%_auto_ident_edit != 1) { did -e $dname 8 }
    else { did -b $dname 8 }
alias -l _auto_ident_init {
  if (!$hget(_auto_ident)) hmake _auto_ident
  if ($exists(_auto_ident.hsh)) hload _auto_ident _auto_ident.hsh
  else hsave _auto_ident _auto_ident.hsh
  if ($dialog(_auto_ident)) {
    did -e _auto_ident 3,4,21
alias -l _auto_ident_refresh {
  did -r _auto_ident 1
  var %i = 1
  var %e = $hfind(_auto_ident,*,0,w)
  while (%i <= %e) {
    var %entry = $hfind(_auto_ident,*,%i,w)
    var %value = $hget(_auto_ident,%entry)
    did -a _auto_ident 1 $gettok(%entry,1,46) ( $+ $gettok(%entry,2,46) $+ )
    inc %i
alias -l _auto_ident_save {
  hsave _auto_ident _auto_ident.hsh

on *:notice:*:?:{ 
  if ($nick == NickServ) && (*This nickname is registered and protected* iswm $1-) {
    if (!$hget(_auto_ident)) { _auto_ident_init }
    .msg NickServ identify $$hget(_auto_ident,$+($me,.,$network))

This add-on allows you to store your identifies for every nick you have on a network you will specify. The passwords are getting stored in plain text mode, but this wont be a problem. This add-on creates a file called _auto_ident.hsh containing the data of your Nicknames and Identifies on each network.


Or simple way of doing it is like this


on *:CONNECT:{
  if ($network == chat3.koach.com) { msg NickServ identify <password> }
  if ($network == irc.rizon.org) { msg NickServ identify <password> }
  if ($network == irc.coders-irc.net) { msg NickServ identify <password> }


  • 2 weeks later...

I use the simple version but I'll try the not simple version to see what all of that code means because I haven't got the slightest clue 😅

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