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Spike posted a simple remote script for a p2p block which was very great.


this is my version of a p2p block. Basically what i have is a dialog that lets you add users to a list of people who are allowed to p2p you. If the users are not on the list and they p2p you when the blocker is on they will get an auto message and it will count how many p2p's youve blocked since its been on




hopefully someone can find it useful



menu * {

p2p block:/dialog -m p2p p2p



alias p2p { dialog -m p2p p2p



dialog p2p {

title "P2P Blocker"

size -1 -1 160 70

option dbu

button "Block", 1, 86 8 33 13, flat

button "Allow", 2, 123 8 32 13, flat

box "Exception List Options", 3, 84 23 73 42

button "Add", 4, 88 33 32 12

button "Spam", 5, 122 33 32 12

button "Remove", 6, 88 49 32 12

button "Done", 7, 122 49 32 12, cancel

box "Exception List", 8, 5 5 75 60

list 9, 10 13 66 50, vsbar




on *:dialog:p2p:sclick:1: {

if (%p2p == on) { noop $input(P2P block is enabled,uwo,Error!) | halt }

set %p2p on

amsg P2P is now blocked for security purposes



on *:dialog:p2p:sclick:2: {

if (%p2p == off) { noop $input(P2P block is disabled,uwo,Error!) | halt }

set %p2p off

amsg P2P is now being accepted



on *:dialog:p2p:sclick:4: {

var %p2pallow $input(Enter a nickname to add,e)

if (%p2pallow == $null) { halt }

if (%p2pallow == $read(p2pallow.txt,w,%p2pallow)) { noop $input(%p2pallow is alread in the exception list,uwo,Error!) | halt }

write p2pallow.txt %p2pallow

did -a $dname 9 %p2pallow



on *:dialog:p2p:sclick:5: {

if (!%blocked) { amsg I have Blocked 0 | halt }

amsg I have blocked %blocked P2P's



on *:dialog:p2p:sclick:6: {

if (!$did(9).sel) { noop $input(You did not select a nick to remove,uwo,Error!) | halt }

write -dl $+ $did(9).sel p2pallow.txt

did -d $dname 9 $did(9).sel



on *:dialog:p2p:init:*: {

var %p2plist = 1

while (%p2plist <= $lines(p2pallow.txt)) {

did -a $dname 9 $read(p2pallow.txt,%p2plist))

inc %p2plist





on 1:open:?:*: {

var %p2pnick $nick

if (%p2pnick == $read(p2pallow.txt,w,%p2pnick)) { halt }

if (%p2p == on) {

if (%p2p != on) { halt }

inc -u30 $+(%,_p2p_lock,.,$nick)) 1

if ($($+(%,_p2p_lock,.,$nick),2) == 2) { close -m $nick | halt }

if ($($+(%,_p2p_lock,.,$nick),2) >= 6) { ignore -u30 $nick | close -m $nick | halt }

if (!$appactive) { flash }

inc %blocked

window @p2p Messages | echo -t @P2p $nick Messaged you on $server Saying: $1- at $time

write p2p.txt $nick Messaged you on $server saying $1- at $time

.msg $nick $nick This message is the %blocked Message to be blocked

beep 1 1

close -m $nick




on ^*:text:*:?:{

if (%p2pnick == $read(p2pallow.txt,w,%p2pnick)) && (!$appactive) {

beep 1 1 | flash



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