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2008:03/30 That Home Town Feeling by Edna Ferber

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We had a wonderful chat about 'That Home-Town Feeling' by Edna Ferber. The usual suspects were there ... Koach, Stormy, Star, Smiley (although Smiley was joining us on travel from a hotel and had a few distractions). We missed Spike and Justin - but Wrestlemania tore them away from us. It was delightful to see B in a readers chat again, as well as Dodge. We also enjoyed the arrival very much of Saralaya - her first Readers Chat with us, but she sure 'fit like it was home'.


There weren't any real points of contention or disagreement which often spur the discussion along, but we enjoyed exploring the structure, characters and style of the story. Ferber's writing style was cited and admired by several 'pastings' of passages - including the famed "she was too everything". Stormy interjected a few 'Giant' trivia questions to keep us on our toes as well.


We all seemed to understand, if not relate to, Ferber's message of 'going home' and what 'home' is.


The rankings were:

Interest or Entertainment Value:

4, 4, 2.5, 2, 4, 3.8, 4, 3 = AVG 3.41

Artistic Value (Social/Emotional content)

4, 3.8, 3.5, 4, 2.8, 3.5, 4, 3.5 = AVG 3.63

Chat Discussion itself :

4, 4.8, 5, 4, 3.5, 4, 3.8 = AVG 4.15


The log is attached and you'll have to read it to see why the following was said:


<Dodge> Burlesque is the name I meant. not hooker

<B> and they dont know texas is a state or a mineral water

<Stormy> you live on a ranch in Texas, you got nothing but substance,no style

<Smiley> my wife was there too, she was honey

<Koach> ack, i hate to sound like grip, but phone, brb

<saralaya> I couldn't help but think that this story might be banned in schools today



Thanks again to all for a great chat. Hope to see you next week !



Rankings Key:

Interest or Entertainment Value:

5--One of the most engrossing stories I have ever read

4--Very entertaining, I would recommend it to my friends

3--A good read, I might recommend it to people whom I know share my interests or


2--I would not recommend this story to others

1--A really bad read, I am sorry I wasted my time with it


Artistic Value (Social/Emotional content)

5--A work of art, pulitzer prize material.

4--A significant contribution to literature

3--Well written

2--Pretty Forgettable



Chat Discussion itself :

5--One of the most enjoyable times I have ever spent in chat. This is what chat

is for !

4--A really enjoyable chat, as good as warm chocolate chip cookies with milk.

3--A nice chat, time well spent.

2--Better than a sharp stick in the eye, but not by much

1--I may never chat again as a result of this experience.

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