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2007:09/29 "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall"

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This was an interesting discussion. There almost seemed to be a gender division in the interest and attentiveness to relationships within the story between the men and women.


This is my opinion only, but it seemed to me the men were not as comfortable exploring the detailed elements of relationships within the story of Granny's life as the women were. There seemed to be a clouding oppression of 'it was a depressing story' by the guys and more of a willingness to 'accept' the progression and words at face level by the women. Very odd to me that the women seemed a little more detached emotionally from the depression than the guys. (Wouldn't you normally expect the reverse?)


Yet - the rankings indicate all enjoyed the literary/artistic value and the overall chat itself had a very high ranking. Thanks to you all for participating - I am glad we did this story.


Here are the rankings:


Interest Value (5,2,3,5,3,2) : 3.33

Artistic Value (5,3.5,3,5,3,4.5) : 4

Chat Discussion (5,4,5,4,5,4) : 4.5


grip weathermost


Ranking Scales:


Interest or Entertainment Value:

5--One of the most engrossing stories I have ever read

4--Very entertaining, I would recommend it to my friends

3--A good read, I might recommend it to people whom I know share my interests or tastes

2--I would not recommend this story to others

1--A really bad read, I am sorry I wasted my time with it


Artistic Value (Social/Emotional content)

5--A work of art, pulitzer prize material.

4--A significant contribution to literature

3--Well written

2--Pretty Forgettable



The chat discussion itself:

5--One of the most enjoyable times I have ever spent in chat. This is what chat is for !

4--A really enjoyable chat, as good as warm chocolate chip cookies with milk.

3--A nice chat, time well spent.

2--Better than a sharp stick in the eye, but not by much

1--I may never chat again as a result of this experience.

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