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2007:11/24 Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen O.Henry

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Well I shared our chat of Two Thanksgiving Gentlemen with FOUR Thanksgiving Gentlemen on Nov 24. Thanks to Koach, Stormy, Smiley and Spike for waking up from their post-turkey stupors long enough for this chat


We all enjoyed this O'Henry tale which, after reading, really is a classic.


The Rankings for the Discussion were:


entertainment value : 4, 3.14, 3.4, 4, 3 = 3.5

artistic merit : 3, 3.5, 3, 3.7, 4 = 3.44

the chat : 5, 4, 4, 4, 4 = 4.2


Log is attached and thanks, I really enjoyed my time with you Turkeys ... uhm ... Gentlemen !



Entertainment Value Scale:

5--One of the most engrossing stories I have ever read

4--Very entertaining, I would recommend it to my friends

3--A good read, I might recommend it to people whom I know share my interests or tastes

2--I would not recommend this story to others

1--A really bad read, I am sorry I wasted my time with it


Artistic Value Ranking Scale:

5--A work of art, pulitzer prize material.

4--A significant contribution to literature

3--Well written

2--Pretty Forgettable



Chat Ranking Scale:

5--One of the most enjoyable times I have ever spent in chat. This is what chat is for !

4--A really enjoyable chat, as good as warm chocolate chip cookies with milk.

3--A nice chat, time well spent.

2--Better than a sharp stick in the eye, but not by much

1--I may never chat again as a result of this experience.

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