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Everything posted by gh`

  1. Beautiful picture, Dan. That new toy does a very good job! gh`
  2. May 1st
  3. Sounds goooood TV. I hope others post their stuffing recipes. I need a good one for the holidays. Thank you for posting.
  4. gh`

    Corn Casserole

    Yummmmmmy! 1 jalepeno should do it for me! Thank you for your post BBBBBB
  5. This is wonderful news! I don't know that it will help people now, because of clinical testing has to be done, but in the future it sounds like it will.
  6. Now, this is something that might interest me since I'm a die-hard Blackberry user. Not a bad monthly charge, if it stays at $4.99.
  7. TY, looks like quite a change, at least the looks of it. gh`
  8. I had just sat down in my home office to start to work. At that time I worked for a company that contracted with the Dept. of Transportation to handle queries to the DOT website. A friend/co-worker who had just moved to Florida from NYC called and told me to turn on the news. She was sobbing. As I turned on the TV the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower. I was stunned! All I could say, and kept repeating, is "Oh My God." My friend, Evie, said that she had some close friends that worked in World Trade Center 2. She hung up and I continued to watch the coverage, selfishly grateful that I didn't know anyone that worked in or near the towers. I remember, vividly, the news stating it was terrorist related! Fear set in.I wondered what was going to happen next?? The Pentagon........Flight 93 happened next. Later in the day, I talked with Evie again and she said that her friends were safe.
  9. Thanks for posting this recipe, Spike. Happy, I had this recipe years and years ago and lost it. It's simple, yet delicious. Thanks!
  10. Good article, TV. Good suggestions. I agree, Nan, worthwhile info for all chatters.
  11. gh`


    good to see your post, grip. I hope all continues to go well for you and your parents. gh`
  12. Great work, oh guru webmaster! gh`
  13. ((Star)) I hope your day is all that you want it to be. Hugs, gh`
  14. I'm not sure I would be all that interested in smell-o-vision. Although you can make choices, if you make a mistake odors filling your house could be pretty gross. I think I'll pass. lol gh`
  15. What an interesting concept. I wonder how often they will be fooled.
  16. all this hacking that's going on has made me worry about doing any business online.
  17. Good pics Dan, beautiful dogs!!! gh`
  18. geeesh. Not too bright. I hope they up the charge on him. gh`
  19. wow!! I am not a gamer but I sure was surprised to hear the stats on the percentage of female gamers and the average age of all gamers. I'd have never guessed!! gh`
  20. I'm really glad that Apple regrouped on this but I can see that there is a way around it by calling a "stop" a speed trap when it's really a DUI check point. At least Apple is trying to do the right thing. gh`
  21. there is a fishing season, various hunting seasons.....is there a hacker season, too? geeeeeeeeeeesh
  22. Al-Quaeda and sense of humor, I'm thinkin' not, Koach. lol
  23. Happy Birthday Dottie! I hope your day and the year to come is filled with Joy and Laughter. Hugs, gh
  24. gh`

    Tuna Melts

    I made it today for lunch as an open face sandwich on potato bread. I made it with lite mayo, no sugar, and topped with two thin slices of muenster cheese. Excellent!!! Will absolutely make it again. Thanks David.
  25. Dottie, it has been great working with you. You have been a wonderful example of patience and tolerance, thank you. I hope you will come to visit us sometimes. I'll miss you. Hugs, gh`
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