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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Happy Birthday Nan!!!!!!
  2. Happy Birthday, TV
  3. Happy Birthday, Hana !!
  4. Happy Birthday, Illusion!! !!!!!!
  5. this is me http://vocaroo.com/?media=v6T2EOxPEToHrsJiv
  6. nice pics NamekessMe
  7. readers-06-25-11.zip
  8. I am sorry to hear about your brother Dottie
  9. Happy Birthday Justin!!
  10. Happy Birthday T-Rock
  11. Happy birthday raymondjtoth
  12. Happy Birthday, Crafty
  13. Happy Birtday Bry
  14. Happy Birthday Kylee!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Happy Birthday Henry!!!
  16. Spike
  17. Happy Birthday Courtney!!
  18. Happy Birthday Star
  19. Happy Birthday Splitfire !!! Have a great day
  20. remotes #pm off on ^*:TEXT:*:?: { if ((%pm == on) && (koach.com !isin $address)) { closemsg $nick } } #pm end nicklist popups Private msgs away .Lock:.enable #pm | set %pm on | echo -a PMs are off .Unlock:.disable #pm | unset %pm off | echo -a PMs are on
  21. Happy Birthday Chris - have a great day !!!!
  22. readers-06-11-11.zip
  23. my tater soup recipe Tater Soup with Bologna ? 1 ring bologna, chopped 1/2 c. chopped celery 1/2 c. chopped carrots 1 onion, chopped 2 med. potatoes, diced 1 c. chopped cabbage 2 green peppers, chopped 1 c. canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes, peeled and chopped 4 c. water Cook bologna in water for 30 minutes. Add vegetables. Cook for an additional 30 - 45 minutes. Serves 6.
  24. cyber lil koach
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