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About Spike

  • Birthday August 20

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Oneida, TN
  • Interests
    Wrestling, Horror movies and more

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday kiwigirl !!! Have a fantastic birthday "][/url]
  2. Happpy Birthday, danstudi0z!
  3. Happy Birthday kinks!! "][/url]
  4. ty for sharing vampy and again congrats from me
  5. Happy Turkey Day Gobble Gobble "][/url]
  6. Timed KickBans .2 Minutes:/ban2 $1 $$?="Reason:" .5 Minutes:/ban5 $1 $$?="Reason:" .10 Minutes:/ban10 $1 $$?="Reason:" .30 Minutes:/ban30 $1 $$?="Reason:" .60 Minutes:/ban60 $1 $$?="Reason:" ^^ them go in nicklist popups ^^^^ the ones below go in remotes alias ban2 { mode $chan +b $address($1,2) /kick $chan $1 $2- *Two Minute Ban* /timer 1 120 /mode $chan -b $address($1,2) } alias ban5 { mode $chan +b $address($1,2) /kick $chan $1 $2- *Five Minute Ban* /timer 1 300 /mode $chan -b $address($1,2) } alias ban10 { mode $chan +b $address($1,2) /kick $chan $1 $2- *Ten Minute Ban* /timer 1 600 /mode $chan -b $address($1,2) } alias ban30 { mode $chan +b $address($1,2) /kick $chan $1 $2- *Thirty Minute Ban* /timer 1 1800 /mode $chan -b $address($1,2) } alias ban60 { mode # +b $address($1,2) /kick $chan $1 $2- *One Hour Ban* /timer 1 600 /mode $chan -b $address($1,2) }
  7. we did this on our old forum lets give it another go this is me Spike http://vocaroo.com/?media=vmcx5eK4zodNWVQUt http://vocaroo.com
  8. Spike


  9. LOL love it LMAO
  10. Happy Birthday Leslie "][/url]
  11. Happy Birthday Michelle "][/url]
  12. Happy Birthday LadyWolf "][/url]
  13. Happy Birthday Tewl"][/url]
  14. very nice ty for sharing Morph3us
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