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Everything posted by Lizzie

  1. Not so much a screenshot, but an interesting shot of the moon. I can't get to my better camera, this was taken with my Iphone7 about 30 minutes ago. Just a really clear image.
  2. I got the 2nd monitor today. I like my setup!
  3. Just a quick look at my work area, my new built system alongside my laptop!
  4. Bing image with watermark removed!
  5. Current desktop
  6. I would estimate the entire store was maybe 60% stocked. There was no poultry to speak of. Very little pork. No canned biscuits. Very little milk. No TP and a few packages of paper towels. The main freezer compartments were empty.
  7. This morning I took a grocery list of 37 different items with me as I took my kids and went to the Commissary. As you can see from this receipt I only was able to get 5 items. I will keep trying. The manager told me they were expecting several more trucks.
  8. For the record! I can't seem to be able to get in at all. If this means I have to change something about my chat software take this as a goodbye.
  9. My current desktop. This is how the Moon, Earth, and sun looked in July of 2018.
  10. On the way to Stormy's house!
  11. Current reading!
  12. Yes, The USS Comfort was beside the USS Truman. In fact, it was blocking any side photos of the Truman. The only way I knew that was the Truman was this blown up photo. If I had been with my Husband he is authorized past that security area and I could have taken photo's from the other side of that fence. In fact, I might have been able to get aboard the Truman.
  13. First photo is Mia and I entering gate 3. Next one is from the entryway to the Cole memorial, and the next 4 photos are at the Cole memorial. The last Cole memorial photo I am standing next to the Bike path looking toward where the USS Truman is parked. Then I got a photo of the USS Comfort alongside the Truman then 2 photos of the rear of the Truman taken as close as I could get. Then Mia and I went to the Navy Commissary and discovered a 10 Pound cooked ham for under a buck a pound!
  14. Odd is not the only one dealing with bad weather. This alert woke us all this morning. Every cell phone in the house went off. In case you can't make out the time It was 3:27 EDT!
  15. A street sign near Stormy.
  16. This is Stormy's mailbox!
  17. edit to remove photo
  18. Ya think?
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