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Everything posted by grip

  1. I just joined and everything seems to be working fine.
  2. Please Join us for discussion on Saturday night, February 19, 2011 for a discussion of: "Was It in His Hand?" by Elizabeth Bishop (1911
  3. Hope you have a Wonderful Birthday and Feel the Love of all the Valentines!
  4. Here is my ending preceded by the last few lines of the story as published: "Oh, please, dear God, dear kind God, my blessed Father in Heaven, let him call before then. Please, God. Please. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twentyfive, thirty, thirty-five..." Oh please ring, ring, ring ? Ring ? It
  5. Great Turnout and Chat last night all. Posting the log. Also a few very interesting related links provided last night: Star's contribution of the female brain: link Logos contribution of a D. Parker Poem of great interest in relation to the story:link My favorite explanation of the way men vs. women think (aka boxes/wires): We also spoke of adding our own 'post story paragraph' - please feel free to do so! It would be fun and interesting to read. #readers_corner.20110212.zip
  6. grip


    ok, it's kind of busy (I'll clean it up someday, I swear!) The image itself is from an amazing performance last October by Transiberian Orchestra.
  7. About Me? No Mystery. I like to write - Day and Night I like to rhyme - Make words have time I like to laugh - and stifle sorrow's gaffe I like to read - and water imagination's seed I do not like to fight
  8. Hi Hearts - of course I remember you and enjoyed our chats when you were online. Good to hear from you and hope you are staying warm. I haven thought of you and your getaways of solitude and re-energizing. Hope to see you in chat soon.
  9. Thanks for posting a story Smiley (and I read the chat from last week - fun chat in the midst of a slight technical interruption). I will not be able to join you Saturday - I am attending an 'ABBA' concert thing (oh Mama Mia!). Hopefully you are willing to host again (thank you so much) and I will be back for a 2-12 chat.
  10. Chat Log readers-11-27-10.zip
  11. Our first #Readers_Chat was held 1-28-07. In 2007 we had 41 scheduled sessions. *detail file is attached The averages for all 41 sessions were: Entertainment: 3.66 Artistic Meric: 3.35 Chat Discussion: 3.85 Overall Average: 3.70 The top 'Entertainment' individual average ranking in 2007 was 4.7 for: our 2/25/2007 chat about The Furnished Room by O. Henry The top 'Artisitic Merit' individual average ranking in 2007 was 4.27 for: our 8/12/2007 discussion of Nightfall by Asimov The top 'Chat' individual average ranking in 2007 was 4.8 for: our 7/7/2007 chat about Cask of Amontillado by Poe and... drumroll .... The top all around average ranking for a story in 2007 was 4.3 for: our 7/7/2007 chat about Cask of Amontillado by Poe Informal awards: Best Individual Performance in a Supporting Role: Smiley ! (for the many times he led chats while I waltzed about on golf trips) Best Timekeeper: Koach ! (for reminders about breaks when I might have chatted on and on) Best Question Marks: Star ! (what would we do without her to back things up a bit when its frenzied) Best Cheerleader who loyally proclaims his love for this chat: Stormy ! What a staunch supporter and contributor - attending through hail, sleet, snow, rain and storms ! We are well underway in 2008 and I just wanted to thank all of you that made these sessions in 2007 so much fun. Lets keep it going and growing
  12. Logos throws Stormy hits Home run Stormy
  13. To Stormy: "Yes, I do. A lot sometimes." And for grip: You made me laugh! I liked! Logos
  14. Logos Returns : Six Word Stimulus Package grip
  15. I have seen her, she speaks. Stormy
  16. Oh where, Oh Where is Logos? Dottie
  17. Logos, Sounds good to me. Mean it ? grip
  18. Okay...My turn. Take your pick: 1. I left. I returned. I celebrate. or ... 2. Been away a long time. Staying. Logos
  19. My latest original 6 worder: Mothers tears through time : fall still. grip
  20. Maybe you'll enjoy some of these - feel free to comment, or write your own ! (If you comment on one from the link of course, please copy it in your post) http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/14.11/sixwords.html grip
  21. Another six word story attempt: Dreams Tour: Performances of my Divinity grip
  22. six words? Chat dead? no way! ask Koach. Stormy
  23. That was hysterical Koach - very clever. My first 6 word response is ha ha ha ha ha LOL ! On further thought - Wacky Women's Emotions; PMS; earned GPS grip
  24. I liked Hemingway's 6 word story so much, I thought I'd try one Astronaut killer. Is she crazy? Depends. Koach
  25. Following is a post made originally on 08/08/2010: When we decided to postpone our scheduled chat last night due to low attendance, several of us remained and just chatted. When I asked the question "Has anyone read any good novels recently?" we ended up talking for 1.5 hours ! What fun it was. I have summarized some of the recent (and all time) favorites/recommendations below. Feel free to add to this thread anytime ! Stormy, Susan and I have enjoyed Ken Follett
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