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Everything posted by Odd

  1. That is amazing.
  2. Odd

    UFO portal?

  3. looks like american beef
  4. Odd

    samsung dex

    samsung dex s10e
  5. Happy birthday, hope you have a great day
  6. I'm willing to relocate
  7. Happy birthday black-heart!🥳 Hope you have a wonderful day - Your pals at koach.com
  8. Happy Birthday, Hope you both had a wonderful day
  9. burn it
  10. id like to have this level of fun one day, nice
  11. Odd


    I feel intelligent that I get this 😅
  12. Looks like she's full of sass, reminds me of someone lol
  13. Happy Birthday Sailor
  14. May the heavens bless us with your presence for many more years to come. Happy Birthday!
  15. Happy birthday 💃🎉
  16. Happy birthday Patsy 🎉
  17. Happy birthday dlk427! Hope you have a great day
  18. Happy Birthday Dash!🧐 Have a great day!🥳
  19. We are wishing you a very happy belated birthday Pajama. Sorry, we were actually working on birthday fun stuff and it just happened to be the night before the day of your birthday so an error occurred. But hope you had a great day. 🥳 Happy birthday Lance, haven't seen you around, swing by and say hello if you happen to see this post. 🤓
  20. Odd

    Uno Commands #uno

    Uno Commands for the Uno Card game in #Uno Channel UNO! Commands: !uno - starts the game UNO! Stats: !unotop10 [games|wins|21] !unotop3last !unostats UNO! Card Commands: jo=join pl=play dr=draw pa=pass co=color ca=cards cd=card tu=turn od=order ct=count st=stats ti=time
  21. Good picture, I can tell who Jason takes after looks wise
  22. Good picture Jason. You remind me of someone I know from chat, EB. Haven't chatted in a while, I'll try to catch you next time.
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