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Everything posted by Koach

  1. Happy Birthday Barqs!!
  2. Happy Easter from me too
  3. Happy Birthday Casa!
  4. Koach

    50th Anniversary

    lol if only it was that easy
  5. LOL that's funny
  6. Happy Birthday bawx
  7. Happy Birthday Ducky!!!
  8. Cool idea Spike. You can use any of my cat pics, and I can send you a lot more lol Maybe post an example of what you did with your pets?
  9. nice video, nnvi. Thanks for posting
  10. Koach


    Nice set up nnvi, Are those 24 inch monitors?
  11. Happy Birthday scarface!
  12. From grip: Subject: Need a story recommendation for Saturday 3/26 I have missed Readers chat while I was away. I will be home Thursday afternoon but do not have a short story selected to post yet for Saturday night
  13. Happy Birthday neon!!!
  14. Happy Birthday BeguilingMyst!!!
  15. This is Koach's daughter. Surgery went well. He is home and resting.
  16. Happy Birthday, Coby!!!
  17. LOL, that is a riot, Nan. "We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this." Not only did no one die, but no one even considered that they might die lol
  18. Happy Birthday odd!
  19. lol all these posts really have me chuckling. Thanks everyone
  20. Happy Birthday, theSaint!
  21. Please join us on Saturday night, March 5, 2011 to discuss the following short story: "WHAT'S HE DOING IN THERE?" by FRITZ LEIBER Read the story here: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/29504/29504-h/29504-h.htm Meeting time: 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time Meeting place: #Readers_Corner WebChat Users join us here: http://www.koach.com...3readers_corner IRC users may use this command: /server -m chat3.koach.com -j #readers_corner 6667 We hope you enjoy the story, and can join the discussion
  22. Happy Birthday eXonyte!!
  23. Thanks everyone Patsy, that graphic is a riot (as is yours spike) lol
  24. Happy Birthday Crysta!
  25. Hey danstudi0z I'll have to try this. Do you make sausage patties and cook them that way, or add it to other dishes?
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