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Everything posted by Koach

  1. lol, I had Dustin over today and when I showed him the picture, he thought it was hysterical, and made me print him a copy.
  2. As I am sure you all know, Sonic and Mario are popular video game characters. My grandson and I tried to mimic them, me with blue Sonic hair, and my grandson as Mario. Pretty good likenesses, don't you think? Koach
  3. Happy Birthday, Rabbit!
  4. Happy Birthday Ramitta!
  5. lol they would love that, as long as each section had a pillow
  6. Happy belated birthday, Elusive_Butterfly!
  7. Happy Birthday, Michelle!
  8. Nan, Those walking Strandbeests are amazing. I would love to see them up close and personal. Thanks for posting. TV_Tech, I tried that site too and could never do it right. But they were fun to play with lol Koach
  9. Happy Birthday! DanX!
  10. Happy Birthday Cent!
  11. This topic is a nice idea, grip. Thanks for starting it. Unfortunately, I don't have much of a story to tell. I was watching CNN at the time, drinking a cup of tea and trying to wake up. For some reason I don't remember now, CNN was showing a live shot of the towers and the world got to watch the attack in real time. At first it just looked like a plane was flying too low. But then when the plane went into the tower and never came out the other side I thought it was a terrible crash. When the second plane hit, there was no longer any question that it was not an accident but a terrorist attack. It was a terrible memory that I am sure I will never forget.
  12. Happy Birthday Tammy!!!
  13. Happy Birthday Picker / Smiley!
  14. Koach


    Thanks, grip for the update. I hope there is not much flooding where you are. Koach
  15. I've never seen one before. Cool pic
  16. Happy Birthday Spike!
  17. Happy Birthday Simon!
  18. Happy belated birthday, Trevor!
  19. Happy Birthday p!
  20. Happy Birthday Wildkitty!
  21. Happy Birthday Sulman !
  22. Happy Birthday, Fredia
  23. Happy Birthday Z !
  24. Happy Birthday X-Fusion!
  25. How to AUTOVOICE (or AUTOOP) ALL chatters as they join your room To use ChanServ to auto OP or auto VOICE every chatter (registered nick or not, IDENTIFYed or not) as they join your room, follow these steps. 1. Turn off the xOP Lists System. Command: /cs set #chatroom xop off This will mean that you can no longer use settings like AOP, SOP, VOP, etc. Instead, from now on, you'll add people to your room's ACCESS list. Read more about that here: http://www.koach.com/forum/index.php/topic/268-auto-q-works-again/ 2. After disabling the xOP Lists System, set a new LEVEL for your ACCESS list. /cs levels #channel autoop -1 or /cs levels #channel autovoice -1 3. You must also set: /cs set #chatroom secureops off and /cs set #chatroom secure off. That should do it. If you have questions, post them here or contact an ircOP online.
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