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Everything posted by Koach

  1. Happy Birthday Err0r
  2. Glad to see you back home Stormy
  3. Happy New Year to all!
  4. That was very interesting to read, Henry. Thanks for posting it Can you provide a url so we know who wrote the article?
  5. Koach


    If Colorado had spiders that grew to 7-9 inches in diameter, I'd have to move lol
  6. Koach


    Wow, that is one ugly spider lol How big is he? Do you know what kind it is?
  7. An Israeli doctor says: "Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in 6 weeks." A British doctor says: "That is nothing; we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in 4 weeks." A Canadian doctor says: "In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in 2 weeks." An American doctor, not to be outdone, says: "You guys are way behind...... We took a man with NO brain, made him President, and now the whole country is looking for work.
  8. Merry Christmas! from Sonic_Koach and his three Grandkids Pretty good name for a band, don't you think? lol http://sendables.jibjab.com/view/pT1LSsJUYYtVs4xA
  9. This sounds really good. Next time I need a dip, I am going to give it a try
  10. Thanks Henry Happy Holiday to you too.
  11. Very nice Nan. I know who I am lol
  12. I have read some of Michael Crichton's books and have liked them. I'll try to pick up "State of Fear" next time I am at the book store.
  13. lol, so you and reclaimer agree on candidates. I took the test twice, the first time answering the questions as truthfully as I actually felt. The results were 1st) Bachman, 2nd) Gingrich, and 3rd, Perry. The second time, 1st) Bachman, 2nd) Perry, 3rd Gingrich Interestingly, Romney scored very low in both my tests. Even Obama scored better
  14. Happy Holidays to everyone from me too Thanks to everybody for making koach.com a success Koach
  15. Very interesting list. I learned (and forgot) a lot of this in Anatomy and Human Physiology courses at Colorado University. But, I don't remember this one: Similar to finger prints, everyone's tongue has a unique tongue print Just wait, soon, when they book criminals, they'll say, "put your tongue on this ink pad and then put it here." Also, I have to disagree with this one: The nose can remember 50,000 scents To the best of my knowledge, the nose doesn't remember anything, the brain does the remembering lol
  16. Happy Birthday ChatRT!
  17. Happy Birthday Sweety!
  18. Happy Birthday Raven!
  19. Koach

    God will provide

    A young woman visits her parents and brings her fianc
  20. lol this would be a fun project for a young person (maybe age 8-10 and, of course, with adult supervision). Hey, what do you know, my grandkids are about to go on Christmas break. I might try this with them
  21. Nice job Crysta
  22. You have to be kidding me lol http://kotaku.com/5863817/war-crimes-in-video-games-draw-red-cross-scrutiny
  23. Happy Birthday, Foreverurs ! Hope to see you in chat soon.
  24. Happy Birthday, Liam!
  25. Happy Birthday Beauty!!
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