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Everything posted by Koach

  1. Those are very funny pics, Nan. The one about the cats is so true too lol.
  2. Koach


    LOL, poor wife
  3. We are waiting for some updates, star
  4. Koach

    The Sand Deliverer

    LOL, and i bet ideas like that have been tried too.
  5. LOL
  6. Koach

    Beer for all

    very funny lol
  7. Koach


  8. Koach

    String Style

  9. Where's your refrigerator and stove?
  10. lol star, i bet NYC is like visiting a foriegn country. For most of the "city girls" i bet the only time they get to play in a field is when they visit Central Park (or one of the other much smaller parks). I hope you are slowly getting the Sandy damage under control. We still keep seeing news reports about how bad things are. Thanks for posting Koach
  11. Koach

    A Really Bad Day

    lol, those trouble-making truck drivers will never learn!
  12. Koach

    An Old Fart

  13. Happy Birthday Morph3us!
  14. Got it, Zimri.
  15. lol pretty funny, Henry
  16. lol smiley
  17. Interesting, Henry. Thanks. It seems like a very sad and almost cruel way to kill them though. But, I don't have any idea how else they could do it.
  18. Koach

    poor rabbit

    A man was driving along the highway, and saw a rabbit hopping across the middle of the road. He swerved to avoid hitting the rabbit, but unfortunately the rabbit jumped in front of the car and was hit. The driver, being a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulled over to the side of the road and got out to see what had become of the rabbit. Much to his dismay, the rabbit was dead. The driver felt so awful, he began to cry. A woman driving down the highway saw the man crying on the side of the road and pulled over. She stepped out of her car and asked the man what was wrong. "I feel terrible," he explained. "I accidentally hit this rabbit and killed it." The woman told the man not to worry. She knew what to do. She went to her car trunk, and pulled out a spray can. She walked over to the limp, dead rabbit, and sprayed the contents of the can on to the rabbit. Miraculously, the rabbit came to life, jumped up, waved it's paw at the two humans and hopped down the road. 50 meters away the rabbit stopped, turned around, waved at the two again, hopped down the road another 50 meters, turned, waved and hopped another 50 meters. The man was astonished. He couldn't figure out what substance could be in the woman's spray can!! He ran over to the woman and demanded, "What was in your spray can? What did you spray on that rabbit?" The woman turned the can around so that the man could read the label. It said: "'Hair spray restores life to dead hair. Adds permanent wave."
  19. Koach

    NASA Experiment

    lol good one
  20. Koach

    Thanksgiving Gag

    LOL, that's hysterical
  21. Koach

    Blonde at Football Game

    lol Dawn, is that a true story?
  22. LOL, good one
  23. Koach

    The scorned wife

    After 17 years of marriage, a man dumped his wife for a younger woman. The downtown luxury apartment he lived in with his wife was in his name and he wanted to remain there with his new love. So, he asked the wife to move out and told her he would buy her another place. His wife agreed to this, but asked that she be given 3 days alone in the apartment to pack her things. On the first day, she lovingly put her personal belongings into boxes, crates, and suitcases. On the second day she had the movers come and collect her things. On the third day she sat down for the last time at their candlelit dining table, played soft music in the background, and feasted on a pound of shrimp and a bottle of chardonnay. When she had finished, she went into each room and deposited a few of the resulting shrimp shells into the hollow of the curtain rods. She then cleaned up the kitchen and left. The husband came back with his new girl and all was bliss for the first few days. Then it started. Slowly but surely a terrible odor began filling every room. Clueless, the man could not explain why the place smelled so bad but the new couple tried everything to get rid of it. They cleaned and mopped and aired the place out. Vents were checked for dead rodents, carpets were steam cleaned, air fresheners were hung everywhere. Exterminators were brought in and the carpets were replaced. But, no matter what they tried, the odor remained. Finally, they could take it no more and decided to move. The moving company arrived and did a very professional packing job, taking everything to their new home...including the curtain rods.
  24. Good story
  25. This is a post card from 1911 showing Glenn Curtis preparing his airplane for flight. The reason it's interesting to me is because it was sent from my Great grandmother to my grandfather when he was 12. Although the stamp is not worth much, the postmark is pretty interesting.
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