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Everything posted by Koach

  1. CuddlyOne passed away in December 2012 and was laid to rest on 17th December. She will be remembered by our koach.com family as a regular and happy chatter. CuddlyOne will be missed by her online friends. Koach
  2. I'll definately sleep as late as i can
  3. lol, what's a: The swaggie climbs aboard
  4. A picture from this morning lol Go Broncos!
  5. Koach

    A Car For Christmas

    LOL good one
  6. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Let's hope for a peaceful 2013
  7. lol, very good
  8. LOL i know some people i can give a mirror too
  9. LOL, funny
  10. Hey! I'm still here. What's up with that?
  11. ho ho ho Merry Christmas!
  12. lol, poor Santa
  13. lol, poor star. thanks Dawn
  14. You are missing some great stories. Last week we had a possibly alien Howard Cosell, and this week a chick story. You don't know what you're missing lol If the hotel is blocking port 6667, try using one of these: 6660, 7000, 7100
  15. Koach

    Skinny Dipping

  16. looks really cool. thanks Oak.
  17. Sorry Oak, I just saw this post. I don't think you can use a mask. This auto q module works with Services and Nickserv and Chanserv only recognize people that have registered a nick. But, I'd have to test this to be sure. I'll try to check it later.
  18. lol
  19. LOL very funny
  20. Why am I not suprised?
  21. Koach


    I am planning on sticking around till 12/12/2112.
  22. Koach

    Family Christmas

    LOL, very funny
  23. Koach

    Blonde Entertainment

  24. lol
  25. Koach

    Meeting St. Peter

    LOL, very good
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