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Everything posted by Koach

  1. Happy Birthday, Smiley! Hope you had a great day
  2. I just watched them again. Very nice Dodge.
  3. Happy Birthday, Pat!
  4. Koach

    High School Reunion

    LOL good one.
  5. Thanks for posting the picture, Henry. Your kids look great
  6. Koach

    New Yawkuh

    LOL that's funny!
  7. Excellent video, Dodge. I enjoyed it qute a bit
  8. A very loud Texan Engineer was visiting Australia, and talking big about all of the large civil works in the USA that he was involved in. To be polite his Australian counterpart took him on a tour of some of Sydney’s larger constructions. First he took him to Gladesville Bridge. The Texan exclaimed, "What’s that!” In reply the Australian said, "Thats the Gladesville Bridge". "Hmmph" said the Texan, "How long and how many men did it take to build?” The Australian replied, "About 5 years with 1000 men." The Texan replied, "Well in Texas we would've done it in 2 years with 500 men." Next they went to the Sydney Opera House. "What's that" said the Texan. "That's the Sydney Opera House" was the reply. "Hmmph" said the Texan, "How long and how many men did it take to build?” The Australian replied, "About 10 years with 200 men". The Texan replied "Well in Texas we would've done it in 4 years with 200 men." By this stage the Australian was a little put out by the Texan's attitude so he decided to get some revenge, they walked around the Sydney Opera House and as they did the Sydney Harbor Bridge came into view. Immediately the Texan exclaimed, "Wow! What's that?" The Australian Engineer replied, "I don't know, it wasn't there yesterday."
  9. Koach

    Boy and father

    lol that is pretty funny. I didn't expect the ending at all
  10. Thank you everyone
  11. That sounds really good. I, and my entire family, love hot/spicy things, so this recipe is bound to be a winner
  12. It does sound good, and I love potatoes I'll try it soon. Thanks B
  13. Koach

    Two men

    LOL, I agree with the second man.
  14. Fat chance. No resting or celebrating on k.com!
  15. Happy Birthday Nan!
  16. Happy Birthday Tony!! Hope you have a great day
  17. Happy Birthday TV, hope you had a great day
  18. That's very good LOL
  19. I am very sorry about your Father and Grandmother, I knew there was an important reason why you were away from chat, but I never imagined your losses. But, as Stormy said, it will be nice to see you back, we have missed you Koach
  20. Yay tony for getting us back online! It took a lot of work and we are almost 100% back to normal
  21. LOL, that's good.
  22. Koach

    Two bats

    Two bats are hanging in their cave. One turns to the other and says, "Oh, I'm really thirsty for some fresh blood." The other bat is amazed and says, "Well, it
  23. Happy Birthday Dottie! I hope this birthday wish finds its way to you Koach
  24. LOL
  25. i have been unable to download the file, and I also can not find a version of the story i can copy into word or word pad. If anyone knows where we can find a downloadable file, please let us know.
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