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Everything posted by Koach

  1. Hey, watch it staro
  2. Hi Dawn, I'm glad you are getting the help you need. When you can return, we'll be here waiting for you (but I am still not going to send you that turkey lol).
  3. I hope you have a happy and peaceful 2015. When do you think you'll be able to chat again?
  4. There is a lot to take in on these posts. I'll want to come back and read it more slowly lol
  5. That is really interesting, Henry. The pyramids are incredible to read about, and beautiful too.
  6. LOL yes! I do remember that
  7. lol Smiley, I was wondering the same thing
  8. lol Sorry, Henry. I can't give up any of those Koach
  9. What is a flattie?
  10. lol Henry, I can relate to a lot of those.
  11. That's a very nice picture, Smiley. Merry Christmas and a peaceful year to you too
  12. Thanks, Dodge. As always, your pictures are very interesting.
  13. It sounds good except for the mushrooms, yech! lol
  14. Koach


    Thanks for posting Stormy. I hope we'd all make the same decision. When I coached softball, we'd see this same sort of thing at least once a year. It was often initiated by the players themselves.
  15. LOL, funny
  16. LOL that's good
  17. If we want to talk about legal and ethical opinions, maybe we should list a few of them for our readers to focus on. We would not necessarily all search for the same legal / ethical issues, nor would we all come up with the same list of authors. How do you all envision the chat working? Also, I keep thinking how hard it is for Smiley to get anyone to do a summary of the story. I am worried that Smiley will be met with silence when he gets us started lol.
  18. Koach

    Pray for money

    Little Billy wanted $100 badly and prayed for two weeks but nothing happened. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100. When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to God, USA, they decided to send it to President Bush. The President was so impressed, touched, and amused that he instructed his secretary to send Billy a $5.00 bill. President Bush thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy. Billy was delighted with the $5.00 and sat down to write a thank you note to God, which read: Dear God, Thank you very much for sending the money, however, I noticed that for some reason you had to send it through Washington D.C. and, as usual, those crooks deducted $95.00. Thanks, Billy
  19. Koach

    Bad Parrot

    LOL, that's good
  20. I wonder if we we might get a bigger response if we list some of the pros and cons. Then, each reader could choose one or two to look into. or For me, I don't know what the pros and cons are. You mentioned that you found various legal and ethical opinions about the use of ghost writers, pen names, and similar issues. Perhaps you could give us a url to some article (or two or three depending on length). Then we could read those articles and discuss them. I am worried that if we make it seem like homework, we'll get a very small response.
  21. Koach

    Winning Nobel prize

  22. Koach


    LOL I've heard both jokes before, but they are still funny every time I hear them
  23. lol, yea, it's pretty funny
  24. Koach

    Is Mommy home?

    LOL i was not expecting that.
  25. LOL, that's pretty good.
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