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Everything posted by Koach

  1. I am jealous of your garage/workshop lol
  2. I guess that's a lot for you guys lol
  3. Happy birthday to our Marine Corps
  4. lol, a very accurate definition.
  5. Nice, pictures, SolidSnake
  6. Happy Birthday, Stormy (belated lol)
  7. Pretty funny costume lol
  8. Happy birthday, SS, belated as usual lol
  9. My car looks worse this morning than it did yesterday afternoon. I can see why they just total the car.
  10. How old were you in that picture?
  11. lol, who is that, Star?
  12. Great Picture, Tony thanks for posting!
  13. What is that a pic of, stormy?
  14. Very nice looking dog, Jen 🙂
  15. This is what Panda thought of it. She refuses to use it, to climb on it, or sniff it. But, she does use the scratching posts lol null
  16. That didn't work llke I wanted , so I tried this. Sparrow doesn't care, but she has clearly claimed both parts as her own.
  17. Now it's assembled and putting them next to each other to see what looks good. Sparrow doesn't care, She has no intention of leaving it.
  18. Sparrow was climbing all over the parts even before I started putting it together. Panda had no interest in it at all.
  19. I just noticed that the teacher didn't even get the last name right. Should be Roberson, not Robinson lol
  20. Clearly, we are ready to move to 100% EV lol
  21. oh! I just realized it's a video,. watching now
  22. LOL, please tell me that's a joke.
  23. LOL
  24. Apparently, my grandfather was about as attentive in class as I was. This letter is from 1905. The teacher was not fooled lol.
  25. sudoku is one I think looks easy and yet, when I try it, i always fail lol
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