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Everything posted by Koach

  1. That's definately you , Dawn ,I don't care what you say lol
  2. LOL Casa, i bet we have some here in the US that would love that
  3. Koach

    New Book

    LOL I heard it was particularly good for puppies
  4. Yea, death threats would, of course, escalate things to a more serious level.
  5. Koach


    eavesdropper lol
  6. But, people do have the right to protest, no matter how stupid the reason. Also, I don't think trying to get Electoral College Electors to vote against the states election results can really be called a terrorist threat.
  7. lol and never to others, depending on their expectations and biases
  8. lol thats just not nice
  9. Nope, law doesn't mean a thing to Crooked Hillary. But, she would need not just a few electoral college electors to change their votes, but quite a few. I don't think that would happen. If it did, I am sure it would end up in the Supreme Court. That would really be a mess and would drag on for months. If it does happen, there will be a lot more than protests happening in the U.S.
  10. Happy Birthday Tony_Linguini!
  11. lol gotta drain that swamp.
  12. LOL that is very funny.
  13. LOL, yes it is. I think I am blind now from sitting too close to it.
  14. Bill really does not look good these days. It might be old age, but it could be something more serious.
  15. oops. now I just insulted newbies lol
  16. If the forum allows that IP siggy (which scares newbies btw) why won't it allow the flag?
  17. LOL thats good
  18. Koach


    LOL funny, but not funny too. One state did elect a dead person to Treasurer I think. He died after the ballots were printed and there was not time to reprint them before the election. So, they will vote again.
  19. lol well i did find lots of alleged photoshopped crowds that turned out to be stock campaign photos. But, none matched the ones stormy posted. So, who knows? lol
  20. Koach


    Thanks Laurie, for all your updates. We really appeciate them
  21. LOL
  22. lol, those are good. I particularly like this one: I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them.~Adlai Stevenson, 1952~
  23. Koach


    Ha! you can tell her the donkeys are going to kick some raider butt this weekend.
  24. Koach


    Hi Laurie, I can't look up Dawn's password, it's encrypted. I could reset it, but then Dawn or you would have to change her password when you login here. Stormy's idea of creating your own account might be the best. That way, you'd be able to read all the messages, post new messages using your name, and not have to change Dawn's password on her laptop or whatever else she uses to connect here. If I can help you with any of that, please let me know. To register a new account, you can use this link: http://www.koach.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=register Hope that helps, and that Dawn is improving. Koach
  25. i can't find where this was originally posted. Where did you find it stormy? The only debunked photoshopped photos I can find are not at all like the two shown above. Where did you find the info that it was a hoax, Nan?
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