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Everything posted by Koach

  1. Koach

    How it really works

    LOL very funny, and true.
  2. lol I didn't see that coming. But that would be one tough drumstick
  3. good picture and caption, Chirp.
  4. Thanks for your post, EB, but that link doesn't seem to work. Do you have another we can try?
  5. Very sad. Please let him know we are thinking of him.
  6. lol or as in horseshoes and ...
  7. Thanks everyone
  8. Happy Birthday Nan. *like my low-key colorless birthday greeting? lol)
  9. Koach

    JULY 4th

    Happy Fourth, everyone!
  10. Happy Birthday TV, hope your day was a great one
  11. They were struggling to find something to say about the supreme court ruling today lol
  12. Koach

    Botserv commands

    You could try room mode +S (/mode #chan +S) That should strip mIRC color codes.
  13. Oh I love that lol
  14. My daughter made me a cherry pie
  15. Happy Birthday Star!
  16. Koach

    No reason!

    Please, not more than one little Dawn. that would be too much to handle lol
  17. It's a great song. I'll be think of my dad on Father's day too. I guess everyone that has or had a good father will
  18. LOL, that's funny
  19. lol, i think if its up to TV, you can have that ool
  20. Sounds very nice.
  21. nice looking ool
  22. Pretty inspiring talk.
  23. It looks nice, but I have no idea what I am looking at lol
  24. LOL
  25. Koach

    My hippy days

    They are about 40 years old. They need a good oiling, but they are still in pretty good shape.
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