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Everything posted by Koach

  1. They are good looking dogs, and very happy together.
  2. lol Dodge, some of those are very funny. 🙃
  3. It's really funny, and I can definitely imagine Willie Nelson singing it lol
  4. It fooled me for longer than that lol
  5. How long did it take you to identify the animal in this picture?
  6. That's how it is here too
  7. That looks pretty delicious and healthy to me. I had leftover sloppy joes lol
  8. LOL, some very funny signs
  9. That's a very nice post MonicaIsLovely. I am sure Smiley would have loved it. We'll all miss him, he led our readers chats for a very long time and selected great stories for us. On top of that, he was a great oper to work along side with. R.I.P. Smiley
  10. Koach

    My 'Stache

    I see what you mean about the ragged look lol. You'll have to post another one after you get the new razor.
  11. It's looking real good, eyecu
  12. He looks confused, scared , and unhappy
  13. Lizzie, that's about the most useless error report I have ever seen. Could we have a little more info please like what happens when you try to connect?
  14. Thanks for that info John, we'll take a look at that.
  15. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and I wish you all a Happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year! Koach
  16. Koach

    The Lily

    it looks like it will topple over any second lol. It's very pretty.
  17. oops. only a week late lol. Happy Birthday, stormy!
  18. lol unfortunately, i play neither one very well
  19. We don't have a music section, and i couldn't find a good place to post it, so I am posting it here. These are what I play these days.
  20. Happy Birthday SolidSnake! Hope you have a great day Koach
  21. There were some funny ones in there too. I don't have the original email any more so, i guess they are just history.
  22. You should not have to pay to use lightIRC. Can you post the exact message? That being said, lightIRC is broken on our website at the moment. So, I recommend you use Mibbit, which stormy posted above Koach
  23. I love the first 4 that bunny listed, and many of the others. Here are a few of my favorites: Ursula Le Guin The Earthsea series Isaac Asimov The Robot Series Foundation Series Naomi Novik Her Dragon Series with Temeraire John Connelly Any of his detective novels featuring Detective Hieronymus Bosch Ken Follett I have never been disappointed by any of his historical fiction. These are particularly good: The Pillars of the Earth World Without End A Column of Fire James Clavell All of his Asian series: King Rat Tai-Pan Shōgun Noble House Whirlwind Gai-Jin
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