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Everything posted by Casa

  1. R.I.P. Spike , may your soul have peace now. U are in good hands now. Casa
  2. Casa

    Funny pics

    See me chillin bro.....
  3. Happy Newyear to all the chatters and i hope that everyone has a good year with lots of fun and in good health.
  4. R.I.P. CuddlyOne , we wont forget u.
  5. LOL , nice song.
  6. Merry Christmas to u all.
  7. No goodbye but i see ya tomorrow where ever we are . Grtz Casa
  8. Casa

    Funny pics

    What about a BIG BIG BIG Pizza?
  9. Casa

    Funny pics

    U like pizza ? What about this one .....
  10. Nice screenshots , i see a few nicknames i remember Casa
  11. Casa

    Blonde Abuse

  12. Casa

    Funny pics

    We rule
  13. The only rules that really matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do. For instance, you can accept that your father was a pirate and a good man or you can't. But pirate is in your blood, boy, so you'll have to square with that some day. And me, for example, I can let you drown, but I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesies, savvy? So, can you sail under the command of a pirate, or can you not? Captain Jack Sparrow
  14. Twente is the part of the Netherlands where i live. Red cabbage Twente-style 1 kilogram red cabbage 100 grams bacon 1 onion salt and pepper 2 cloves 1 glass red wine 1 tbsp currants 250 grams red currant jam Dice the bacon and slowly brown. Peel and dice the onion, add it to the bacon and sautee. Grate or chop the cabbage and add it to the pan, mixing well. Add salt and pepper to taste, put in the cloves, currants and jam. Pour in the wine. Turn down the heat and let the cabbage simmer until ‘al dente’. Serve with your choice of meat, mashed potatoes and garnish with fried slices of apple. Cloves in Dutch are called ‘kruidnagelen’, where ‘kruid’ means ‘herb’ and the word ‘nagelen’ is used because cloves look like nails and ‘nagelen’ is the old Dutch word for nails or ‘spijkers’. Cloves (one of the oldest known spices) are the dried buds of an aromatic tree indigenous to the Moluccan Islands where the Dutch from the 17th century on monopolized the spice trade. Centuries later, French and British traders ‘stole’ seedlings of the trees and planted them in their own tropical colonies. Madagascar and Zanzibar today are the leading growers.
  15. Casa

    Funny pics

    Identity crisis ?
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAN I wish u a very nice day with lots of gifts and with lots of people. Casa
  17. Happy Birthday TV , can i have a big piece of cake plz ?
  18. Nice dogs
  19. Casa


    I like pics from all over the world especially travelpics , so share them Casa
  20. Put it in fav's , its always handy Tnx Nan.
  21. that hurts. hope u heal quick
  22. Nice huh.
  23. Nice cats and condo
  24. Thanks all , we had a nice day here .
  25. This is cute , found the pic on the net.
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