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Everything posted by Casa

  1. Mumbles something about NSA heheheh
  2. Looks like its in Stormy's backyard lol.
  3. Casa


    Sorry to hear that , we had the same 3 years ago with our cat .
  4. Lollllllllllllllllllllllllll
  5. Uhm .. i want a PINK one with hello kitty stickers It matches with my bulldozer hehehehe.
  6. Casa

    Dumb Blonde?

  7. Me too Star , here are my sons dogs , guess who's the slave .....
  8. Casa


    She is cuuuuuuuuuuuuute
  9. Hehehe i'm sorry for those who have to make a choice for a new president
  10. Casa

    Adam and Eve

  11. I couldn't explain it better...
  12. I remember ...... But i'm ancient as a mummy lol
  13. Happy Birthday Odd .
  14. Casa

    Worst Day Ever

    LOL , translated it and told it to my wife .
  15. Nice clock & radio TV , never seen this combination ( in this size ) before. Keep us posted with more of this stuff , i like the "old electronics".
  16. Casa

    Cats and weapons

    Watch out for these cats , they use the new improved "stun a human" laser.
  17. Casa

    Compliment me

    Good Mirror huh ....
  18. Ok i found "the Koach Subway" delivered by ambulance .....
  19. I dont wanna know lol
  20. Because your wish can come true.....
  21. U saved my life , i was looking for those pizza's for a long time. Thanks u are my hero
  22. Yep , dont tell anyone i told u .
  23. Casa

    Someone really stinks

    Whahahhaha nice one lol.
  24. Happy Birthday Tewl , i wish u a nice day with lots of fun.
  25. Happy Birthday , i hope u have a nice day. Save some cake for me
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