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Everything posted by Casa

  1. Happy Birthday David
  2. Dash happy birthday , enjoy it.
  3. Thanks
  4. Casa

    Dead fly

    All his brothers and sisters are gonna hunt u now and in the future
  5. Congratulations with your baby girl , we like to see some pictures of her
  6. Casa

    How to amuse a blonde

    I still wonder how in the world a blonde found this site
  7. Got this pic from a friend of me from Texas .
  8. Casa

    No reason!

    LOL Koach hacked McAFEE
  9. Casa

    Who is the boss ?

    Showing that steak who's the boss
  10. Waiting 48 hours in a sleeping bag in front of the store .
  11. Happy Birthday
  12. Happy Birthday ..........................
  13. Casa

    Got Milk?

    U both don't understand , milk comes out of a factory . What do cows have to do with it ? Grtz (Casa has a blond moment.)
  14. Johnrambo497 added to the list.
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Patrick.
  16. Casa

    How it really works

    I told my son, “You will marry the girl I choose.” He said, “NO!” I told him, “She is Bill Gates’ daughter.” He said, “OK.” I called Bill Gates and said, “I want your daughter to marry my son.” Bill Gates said, “NO.” I told Bill Gates, My son is the CEO of World Bank.” Bill Gates said, “OK.” I called the President of World Bank and asked him to make my son the CEO. He said, “NO.” I told him, “My son is Bill Gates’ son-in-law.” He said, “OK.” This is exactly how politics works . . .
  17. Old man , Happy Birthday en enjoy the day with youre loved ones.
  18. Happy Birthday and have a nice day with lots of presents and fun. Share it with youre family.
  19. TV_Tech happy birthday and have a nice day .
  20. Casa

    Botserv commands

    I have tried that but chatters want to use colors in their messages , and even then it doesnt react on most of the remote commands except !up and !down. If i use mode +S than u see only black text and it works but if the chatter uses Bold , Underlined or Background Color it wont work . Weirdest thing is that Up and Down commands works all the time only the rest doesnt work with other than black Not Activate Foreground Color , Bold and Underlined. All the text has to be stripped from color , bold , underlined and other stuff before processed further in the bot.
  21. Casa

    Botserv commands

    I know that in Mirc u can strip color and other from incoming messages and that helps a lot.
  22. Casa

    Botserv commands

    I assigned the bot ( Chat_Bot) in a dutch room (#30-60) , all the chatters including the founder uses webchat and they have selected colored and sometimes bold font. The bot reacts on !up and !down with this colored font , other commands like !k and !devoice etc dont work with these colored fonts. If i set the font to standard ( no color and not bold or underlined ) all the commands work perfectly. Can someone look into this , dont hurry though Casa
  23. Star , i wish u a nice day with lots of cake and fun.
  24. Casa

    My hippy days

    I'm jealous of all that hair lol....
  25. Happy Birthday endaeias.
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