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Everything posted by Smiley

  1. That would be really funny if it weren't so true.
  2. Please join us at 8:30 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time on Saturday, April 16th for a discussion of the short story "Unborn Tomorrow" by Mack Reynolds. The website for the story is: http://www.gutenberg...2-h/23942-h.htm Meeting place: #Readers_Corner WebChat Users: http://www.koach.com...3readers_corner IRC users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -j #readers_corner 6667 I Hope you can make it Saturday Night!
  3. We always knew that Koach had his own subway.....now we have the proof.
  4. Please join us at 8:30 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time (1:30 AM GMT), March 19th, 2011. In honor of St. Patrick's Day we will discuss the story: "Attention Saint Patrick" by Murray Leinster. (Ok, so Paddy's Day is really on the 17th, but better late than never.) The story can be found at: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/23439/23439-h/23439-h.htm Meeting place: #Readers_Corner WebChat Users: http://koach.com/ind...3readers_corner IRC users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -j #readers_corner 6667 Hope you can make it, and enjoy!
  6. I am sort of partial to Dolly Madison.
  7. For Saturday night, in honor of the start of daylight savings time, we will make use of our impending extra hour of daylight (or one less hour of sleep depending on your point of view) by discussing two very short, short stories. Please join us at 8:30 PM in #readers_corner to chat about: "Operation Lorelei" by William P. Salton, and "Rex ex Machina" by Frederick Max. The website for "Operation Lorelei" is http://www.gutenberg...0-h/29160-h.htm "Rex ex Machina" can be found at http://www.gutenberg...3-h/28543-h.htm Meeting time: 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (we can set our clocks ahead after the chat). Meeting place: #Readers_Corner WebChat Users: http://koach.com/ind...3readers_corner IRC users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -j #readers_corner 6667 Hope you can make it, and enjoy!
  8. Or alternately: Oh God, its ringing. Hello, Hello: This is the police mam. Do you know a Mr. Earl Smith? Yes, what's wrong. Well mam. He was killed in an auto accident about two hours ago...We just found the wreck at the bottom of the hill on Dead Man's Curve. Your number had been punched into his cellphone, but not sent at the time of the accident.
  9. Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way! (George Patton)
  10. Hi everyone. I was a Sysop on the MSN Help Desk, then later on the MSN Idesk for the international chats. Glad to see you all here.
  11. Horay! It worked.
  12. Please Join us for discussion on Saturday night, February 12, 2011 of the following story: "A Telephone Call" by Dorothy Parker Story URL: http://www.amlit.com/Parker/SS/ATelephoneCall.html Meeting time: 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time Meeting place: #Readers_CornerWebChat Users: http://koach.com/index.php?id=chatlogin&client=web&chan=%23readers_corner IRC users: /server -m irc.koach.com -j #readers_corner 6667 Hope to see you there.
  13. I am using Chrome and only need single clicks.
  14. Please Join us for discussion on Saturday night, February 5, 2011 of the following story: "The Next Logical Step", by Benjamin William Bova Story URL: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/28063/28063-h/28063-h.htm Meeting time: 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time Meeting place: #Readers_CornerWebChat Users: http://koach.com/index.php?id=chatlogin&client=web&chan=%23readers_corne r IRC users: /server -m irc.koach.com -j #readers_corner 6667 Hope to see you there!
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