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Everything posted by Smiley

  1. Please join us at 8:30 PM (East Coast Time) on September 28, 2013 to discuss the short story The Stars Below by Ursula K. Le Guin. By popular demand we are reading a second Le Guin story in a row. It's a Science Fiction tale by one of the true masters of the genre'. Born in 1929, Le Guin has been writing Science Fiction stories and novels since the early 1960's. She is still going strong. This story was originally published in 1974. The story can be found at: http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/the-stars-below/ Meeting place: #readers_corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 I hope to see you all for the chat, and don't forget to bring a friend. LOG ATTACHED: Readers log 28 Sep 13.rtf
  2. Please join us at 8:30 PM (East Coast Time) on September 14, 2013 to discuss the short story The Island of the Immortals by Ursula K. Le Guin. It's a Science Fiction tale by one of the true masters of the genre'. Born in 1929, Le Guin has been writing Science Fiction stories and novels since the early 1960's. She is still going strong and published this story in 2011. Star should love this story. The story can be found at: http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/the-island-of-the-immortals/ Meeting place: #readers_corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 I hope to see you all for the chat, and don't forget to bring a friend. Chat/discussion for September 14 was postponed until September 21. Log of chat is attached: Readers_Corner Log 21 Sep 13.rtf
  3. Please join us at 8:30 PM (East Coast Time) on September 7, 2013 to discuss the short story Seven Spells to Sever the Heart by K.M.Ferebee. It's an unusual fantasy that should prove inspiration for a spirited chat. I hope you enjoy it. The story can be found at: http://www.fantasy-magazine.com/new/new-fiction/seven-spells-to-sever-the-heart/ Meeting place: #readers_corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 LOG ATTACHED: Readers Log Sep72013.rtf
  4. Sounds like Time Warner isn't paying the appropriate amount for the rights to the shows.
  5. Please join us at 8:30 PM (East Coast Time) on the 31st of August to discuss the short story Yesterday’s Garbage by Jon Hassler. It's an entertaining tale which was published in the Saturday Evening Post in 2011. Like all the stories in the Saturday Evening Post the writing is professional and the story holds you interest. I feel sure you will enjoy it. The story can be found at: http://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2011/09/29/art-entertainment/yesterdays-garbage.html Meeting place: #readers_corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 I 've discovered a really good, and economically priced, Australian Shiraz and I'll let you have a virtual sample Saturday evening. Please bring a friend. Log attached: reader-log8-31-2013.txt
  6. What is channel 2 on TW in NY--PBS?
  7. Vacation time is drawing to a close, the grandkids have returned home to prepare for the first day of school, and it's time for #readers_corner to reopen. Please join us at 8:30 PM (East Coast Time) on the 24th of August to discuss the story Fall North by Tim McLean. It's an interesting story that examines the private life of a New York hit man. The story can be found at: http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/FallNort.shtml Meeting place: #readers_corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 I hope to see you all there, and please bring a friend. Log Attached: Extended Log Readers_Corner 24 Aug 14 (1).rtf
  8. Smiley

    a psychiatrist

    The penalties for promulgating bad puns can be severe. Be very careful.
  9. Vacation time is drawing to a close, the grandkids have returned home to prepare for the first day of school, and it's time for #readers_corner to reopen. Our next meeting, at 8:30 PM (East Coast Time) on the 17th of August will discuss the story The Spiral Seas by Kate Thornton. It's an entertaining little tale with some very subtle humor hidden in the dialogue, and I think we will all enjoy reading it. What's even better, I think we will all enjoy discussing it in chat. I hope to see all of our regular chatters there as well as any new readers we may be able to recruit. Virtual Merlot and a nice ripe digital Brie will be served along with our conversation. The story can be found at: http://www.spiralsea.com/aug2001/spiralsea_fiction_spiralseas_thornton.html Meeting place: #readers_corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 I hope to see you all there. Log of chat attached: Log Aug 17 2013.rtf
  10. Smiley


    i bet a few of the other calves would make really good chops, however.
  11. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 13th of July to discuss the short story The Four Bridges of Kandos by James Allison. The story is a contemporary Science Fiction tale with a very unusual plot. The story should appeal even to readers who normally don't like sci fi. The story can be found at: http://www.ideomancer.com/sf/Allison-Kandos/Allison-Kandos.htm Meeting place: #Readers_Corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 As usual, a bottle of virtual merlot to anyone bringing a new chatter to #Readers_Corner. See you there. Log of Chat attached: Readers corner log Jul 20 2013.rtf
  12. I am not aware of any social networking sites specifically devoted to programmers. However, our forums here on Koach.com allow discussion of technical subjects regarding various computer related issues. Our chat channel #koachsworkshop is a good place to meet programmers and/or others interested in irc and general computer discussions, and there are several user created chat channels devoted to computer issues.
  13. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 6th of July to discuss the short story Brazen by Elaine Hopper. This story is a mini-harlequin romance that has been specially chosen to appeal to the more prurient interests of the distaff members of our chat. With luck it will prove a fruitful topic for an entertaining discussion. Chat has been rescheduled from June 29th. The story can be found at: http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/Braz.shtml Meeting place: #Readers_Corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 As usual, a bottle of virtual merlot to anyone bringing a new chatter to #Readers_Corner. See you there. Log attached: readers corner log Jul 6 2013.rtf
  14. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 22nd of June to discuss two very short, short stories: We the People, and Enemy of the State both by Jack C. Haldeman II. I think you will appreciate both stories and will quickly see why I have combined them for discussion at one chat. We the People can be downloaded at: http://www.sff.net/people/jack.haldeman/people.htm Enemy of the State can be downloaded at: http://www.sff.net/people/jack.haldeman/state2.htm Both stories were originally published in "Analog" magazine, We the People in 1983 and Enemy of the State in 1991. Meeting place: #Readers_Corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 Wine and cheese (three buck chuck from Trader Joe's and Velveta) will be provided. Please bring along one or more friends. Log Attached: Readers Log 22 Jun 2013.rtf
  15. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 15th of June to discuss the short story The Krumhorn and Misericorde by Dave Freer. The story is contemporary but is set in 16th century Italy. It's a little bit longer than our usual story, but it's a quick read and we have two extra weeks to read it. I think you will enjoy it. The story can be found at: http://www.baen.com/krumhorn.asp Meeting place: #Readers_Corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 As usual, a bottle of virtual merlot to anyone bringing a new chatter to #Readers_Corner. See you there. For those of you who have an insatiable curiosity about things mentioned in the title, check out these images. krumhorns a misericordia log attached: readers log Jun 15 2013.rtf
  16. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 25th of May to discuss the short story A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J.D. Salinger. This story was published in 1948, but in many ways seems current. Salinger was an excellent author, and many of his stories and novels are required reading in College level literature courses. This story is a fine example of his craftsmanship. I hope you all enjoy it. I know it will make for an interesting discussion. The story can be found at: http://www.miguelmllop.com/stories/stories/bananafish.pdf Meeting place: #Readers_Corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 Koach is bringing a sandwich platter from subway, and I have talked Stormy into providing jalapeno dip and Fritos. BYO virtual B. Log attached: readers corner log May 25 2013.rtf
  17. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 18th of May to discuss the short story My Wife Hates Time Travel by Adam-Troy Castro. Koach discovered this little parody of the oft repeated Sci-Fi theme of "what if a time traveller were to go back and interfere with his own life?" ala "Back to the Future" and similar. I don't know whether you will understand it, but I think you will enjoy a number of the amusing situations described. Just a reminder, anyone can suggest a story by dropping us an email (smiley@koach.com, or koach@koach.com). The story can be found at: http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/my-wife-hates-time-travel/ Meeting place: #Readers_Corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 This story is a rather short one, so everyone should be able to read it in time for the chat. Hope to see you all there. Log attached: readers corner log May 18 2013.rtf
  18. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 11th of May to discuss the short story Shore Leave by Edna Ferber. The story was published in 1918 but could have been written yesterday. I think we will all enjoy discussing it. The story can be found at: http://www.readbookonline.net/readOnLine/10847/ Meeting place: #Readers_Corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 As usual, a glass of virtual merlot to anyone bringing a new chatter to #Readers_Corner. See you there. Log of chat attached: Readers_Corner Log May 11 2013.rtf
  19. Maybe that's funny in Egypt, but in the U.S. its a horror story.
  20. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 4th of May to discuss the short story Conella and the Cyclops Sea Serpent of Doom by John Ringo. The story is a slightly riske' and altogether comical version of the standard 'rescue the princess from the hungry dragon' fairy tail. I think we will all get a few laughs from the story and our chat might become a classic. Any story that starts off "IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY...DAY, AROUND NOONISH..." has to be pretty entertaining. The story can be found at: http://www.baenebooks.com/10.1125/Baen/9781618240668/9781618240668.htm?blurb From that page, click on the chapter "7" box in the matrix on the left hand margin. Log attached: readers log May 4 2013.rtf
  21. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 27th of April to discuss the short story The Backward Fall by Jason Helmandollar. This story is a gentle examination of Alzheimer's syndrome. The story can be found at: http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/BackFall879.shtml Meeting place: #Readers_Corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 As usual, free virtual cookies and merlot to anyone bringing a new chatter to #Readers_Corner. See you there. Chat Log attached: readers log April 27 2013.rtf
  22. now that's funny
  23. Smiley

    Go Home And Wait

    All the time he sat around will count against time served on his sentence.
  24. Please join us at 8:30 pm (eastern daylight savings time), Saturday the 20th of April to discuss the short story The Body-Snatcher by Robert Louis Stevenson. This is an interesting tale told by the author of Treasure Island (Arrrrrrrrh Matey) and Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde. The story can be found at: http://www.online-literature.com/stevenson/3534/ Meeting place: #Readers_Corner Webchat Users: http://koach.com/cha...=readers_corner IRC Users: /server -m chat3.koach.com -i #readers_corner6667 As usual, free virtual cookies and merlot to anyone bringing a new chatter to #Readers_Corner. See you there. Chat log attached: readers log April 20 2013.rtf
  25. Smiley

    Where's my toast?

    Is this one of those lets laugh at the senior moment jokes?
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