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About Elusive_Butterfly

  • Birthday September 30

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  1. Jason needs a cat lol
  2. Thank you so much
  3. Happy Birthday Stevejobs
  4. We did not get the story for tonight
  5. Happy Birthday Dear Dash
  6. Hope all is well. Please send us the story for tonight Thank you
  7. there are not my cats lol
  8. Ty Dear Dash
  9. cant get into Koach mirc

    1. Elusive_Butterfly


      the server is not listed


    2. SolidSnake


      /server irc.koach.com

  10. help i need to get into mirc


  11. i need the link to get into Koach on mirc


  12. help me get into mirc pls
  13. i had to leave trivia where i have been playing since "David" has been playing there. He calls me some horrible names and why i don't know. This man Calls me B and C and makes horrible accusations about me.. Been playing there since the room was started several years ago. I can not take his name calling anymore and that is why i had to stop playing there. I brought and old trivia friend c00ee (25yrs) in and he see's what David is calling me. i find this all very upsetting and disturbing since i am an original member of that room. i wish he could be banned Thank you for listening
  14. Happy Birthday Dash!!!!
  15. Happy Birthday to a Very Special Person
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