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Everything posted by Zimri

  1. Zimri

    PM blocker

    ;===================== on ^*:OPEN:?:*: { if ( %pmb ) { if ( !$window(@PMBlocker) ) { window -n @PMBlocker echo @PMBlocker $str(-=-,5) PM Blocker Logs $str(-=-,5) } .msg $nick Sorry. Private message disabled. (You can change this bit) echo -t @PMBlocker ? $nick on $network pm'd you at $fulldate halt } } menu * { $iif(!%pmb,Enable,Disable) PM Blocker: $iif(!%pmb,inc,unset) %pmb
  2. Can I have my own then?
  3. I barely got to know you but it was nice talking to you when you were here. Koach - Can I have Dottie's IRCop? Lol. Just wondering.
  4. Happy Birthday dude.
  5. Thanks Stormy, Koach, Nan and the most important person, Patsy.
  6. Holy ****. *Steals computer, replaces it with his HP*
  7. Happy Birthday Patsy.
  8. Boring information.
  9. I haven't nor will I try this. Disgusting.
  10. on *:NOTICE:*:*: { if (Nickserv!*service* iswm $fulladdress) && (Koach.com == $network) && (*nickname is registered* iswm $1-) { identify ********** } } put the above in remotes and do the following ********** <---- replace that with your password
  11. Zimri

    Fovea HAHA!!!

    Spike: Saying "I think that Obama is a lot of things."..can mean several things. Stop viewing things in a negative manner.
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