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About Zimri

  • Birthday 05/11/1985

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  • Interests
    Movies, music, cycling, billiards, intelligent conversation, anything related to electronics/medical science,

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  1. Nice Subaru
  2. Good looking car!
  3. The Yes California Independence Campaign is an American political action committee that promotes the secession of the state of California from the United States. The organization is promoting a proposed initiative to be placed on the 2018 California state ballot, which, if passed, will then require an independence plebiscite to be held in March 2019 on the question of California's independence. It would require an amendment to the United States constitution [1]. - Wikipedia In my opinion, it'll never happen; at least I hope it won't. They stuck with us during the Bush years. I'd like to be able to go back while they're apart of the US.
  4. Moving in a couple of months to either PA or NJ.

  5. Sorry for your loss, Stormy. I had no idea until today.
  6. So today after about 12 years of ownership, I had to say goodbye. So many memories. I always went to her first thing in the morning sometimes even before I ate breakfast; after every annoying shift. She was an energetic cat in her young years and then turned into a sleeping/eating 24/7 cat later on. She was a great cat; possibly the best we'll ever own.
  7. So today after about 12 years of ownership, I had to say goodbye. So many memories. I always went to her first thing in the morning sometimes even before I ate breakfast; after every annoying shift. She was an energetic cat in her young years and then turned into a sleeping/eating 24/7 cat later on. She was a great cat; possibly the best we'll ever own.
  8. http://news.distractify.com/mark-pygas/things-we-need-in-the-us/ I agree with most of them.
  9. Zimri

    Boy and father

    One day a 12 year old boy was walking down the street when a car pulled up beside him and the window was wound down. "I'll give you a bag of lollies if you get in the car", said the driver. "No way, get stuffed", replied the boy. "How about a bag of lollies and $10?" asked the driver. "I said no way", replied the irritated youngster. "What about a bag of juicy lollies and FIFTY dollars eh?", quizzed the driver, still rolling slowly to keep up with the walking boy. "No, I'm not getting in the fricken car!" answered the boy. "Okay, okay, I know what you want. I'll give you $100 and a bag of lollies", the driver offered. "NO!", screamed the boy. "What will it take to get you in the car?" Asked the driver with a long sigh. The boy replied, "Listen Dad, you bought the Volvo, you live with it..."
  10. Thanks! Awesome cake.
  11. Some people just like listening to music as they chat. I don't see a problem in that. It's sad to have to have a discussion about this and not discussing other actual interesting stuff. Stop stressing the small stuff about chat. You know we'll just either create a music room or have it not be allowed at all. So why bother? Everyone has a different POV, therefore, not going anywhere with it. And I know Koach is just going to say that I'm wrong because he only see things through his narrow eyes. I've been right before. Have some hope/faith in people. Goddamm. This should never have been a problem in the first place.
  12. If you're not physically there, you can't play music. That should be the rule.
  13. Zimri

    Bill Gates

  14. Been out for at least two and a half hours. Scheduled to work on Sunday night and Monday. Plows aren't going to do residential roads until tomorrow afternoon.
  15. Change Genesis to Zimri. Thanks!
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